Birthday special

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Heyyyy if you children can't guess it is my birthday! I am now of the legal age to drink... in germany lol.
Anyway I thought I would do this. It does not go along with the actual story but I just wanted to make this as a present to me. So please enjoy!!

"David!!!!!" Max yelled running up to the auburn haired male who picked Max up in a welcoming hug. "David!" Max said smiling, hugging David back, "it's only been a day and you already miss me?" Max laughed. A young man in a suit walked up to David and cleared his throat gaining the twos attention. "Everything is all ready to go, all you need to do is sign a few things sir." David smiled, putting Max down gently and firmly shook the suit man's hand, "Thank you so much sir!" They went towards a building to go and sign the few papers Max stayed behind. Smiling fondly at David not believing that today was the day, after this Max can now officially call David his dad.

"Hey kiddo." A voice rang out behind him. Max turned around, "hey love bird~" Max cooed at Daniel, whose face turned red. "Today is the day huh?" Daniel asked bending down before sitting on the ground, Max sat on his lap just to annoy him. "Today is the day" Max repeated. "I can't wait to be able to call you two my dads, I'm really excited but also nervous." The black haired boy explained, when he was suddenly brought into a hug by Daniel. "Don't be nervous everything will be fine alright, son?" Their heads turned to David who was walking out the door with a big grin on his face. "Max it's done you are now my son!" He called out. Daniel breathed a sigh and quickly gained David's attention. "What is wrong?" David asked. Daniel then began to kneel on one knee bringing out the ring he brought a few days ago.

I know it is quite short but I really hope you don't mind I have been having a bit of problems with coming up with new chapters. So I really hope you don't mind me throwing this in here.

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