Charles Doggy Emily

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Charles Emily, or addressed by his friends as Doggy is a now deceased Dog Cop and died when he was 17 when he was infected in the forest somewhere outside of Piggy Intercity. He is 20 currently. He had a pretty hard up bringing he was born and was basically just dropped off at an orphanage. He left one day and found a pizzeria/mall type place and made friends with the robots and one of the security guards. The security guard became friends with Charles because he would sneak out of the orphanage a lot to visit the robots and the security, who's name is Terra. Doggy didn't want to go back to the orphanage so he stayed in the attic of the mall and was hidden there for a while. And everyday he would pretend to be there at the pizzeria, just like all the other kids but then hide himself away in the attic, a blind spot in security. One day an arctic fox boy came into the pizzeria/mall and his name was Meha. Meha has a strong emotional connection with two of the robots that would perform on a really big mechanical stage. The robots name was Craig. Craig has the model of an Ice bear. Charles remembered going to an orphanage and seeing the same kid there, and Charles was shocked that he would see him again in his favorite spot ever.

While Charles would hide away at night in the attic he would notice on the few nights when he felt restless, that the fox boy would be active. Running away from the other robots like the staff bots and the performance bots. But not all of the robots would be running after the fox boy, one would be running WITH him. And that robot was Craig. He would help the fox boy traverse the halls and the vents of the mall at night as well as serve as a sort of mech suit at times for the fox boy. The two of them seemed to have shared a Father-Son bond. It was similar to the relationship Charles had with Craig himself. Terra would also chase after Meha at night too, tho for both Charles and Meha, it would always be unclear, what her intentions are. Wether that be to shelter Meha from the robots because she also noticed how they act at night, or to do something else. But neither of them were taking any chances with that. While Charles and Terra were friends, Charles didn't know her like that and neither did Meha. So Charles would go back to bed at night, and Meha would be hitting the dash all across the halls and keeping his distance from Terra. Because Charles was a very good man when he died, he was accepted with open arms when he stood in front of the pearly gates. A few nights and days go by and the robots are a lot friendlier to the fox boy now. Doggy assumes that maybe Meha reprogrammed them. Craig at times would like to talk about Charles to Meha. And another female looking robot by the name of Ari would also talk stories about Charles to Meha. After getting to meet him, Meha and Charles formed a Brotherly Bond. And Craig and Ari would later become like parental figures for Charles and Meha. But they knew that just considering or seeing Ari and Craig like parents wouldn't make it official. By now Terra has been more along the lines of a big sister to both Charles and Meha. Terra came up with the idea of getting one of her male friends to help her with a surprise for Meha and Charles. She and her male friend would go and legally adopt Meha and Charles under the names, Craig and Ari and then give the adoption paper to the Real Craig and Ari so that it would actually be official that Craig and Ari adopted Meha and Charles alongside herself too so that it would be official that Terra was the legal sister of Meha and Charles. They cried so many tears of joy the day they found out. So now legally to this day, Charles and Meha are brothers, have robotic parents, and a human sister, and they wouldn't change any of that for anything. Since Doggy was a very good man when he died, he was welcomed with open arms once he stood in front of the pearly gates. Doggy would spend a lot of his time in heaven, looking down on the rest of his friends on earth as well as his childhood friend Blake who was sadly not accepted into heaven when she died and was instead sent to the lowest and darkest pit of the 9 hells where she would be doomed to wander through nightmares for the rest of eternity.

Doggy watched from the giant doghouse in the sky down to Blake watching her suffer. Doggy couldn't stand the sight of his friend in so much pain. He made a promise to himself to figure out a way of getting her out of there. Every once in awhile The Lord Christ would give Charles Emily permission to go back to earth and watch/protect his friends, for 24 hours. Doggy did everything in his power to keep his friends safe.

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