Sofia Torres Heathcliff

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Sofia Torres Heathcliff is a human Priestess who has been living for over 100007 years. She was a very sadistic person in her past life. In her church that also doubles as a small castle she would terrorize the people there. Wether they were part of the congregation or otherwise. She would kill and torture people because she was trying to demonstrate how hell would feel like and so if people knew what hell was like before they died it would motivate them more to be of god and believe in Christ. She did it because she wanted the best for others. But that wasn't the only motive she had. She just wanted to hurt people. She would do terrible things to men, women, and kids she didn't care in the slightest. When Sofia died by being burned alive by someone who visited the church and was able to out think her. She was sent to hell obviously. She was tormented for her crimes for a large number of years. But Sofia wasn't finna let the demons keep thinking fat meat ain't greasy. So Sofia began using her pretty powerful magic abilities to beat these demons up. Things continued like this for a while but over time, eventually, the denizens of hell started to show something like respect for Sofia. Sofia had stopped being tortured and she had found a pretty nice place in hell (ironic isn't it?) and Sofia ruled over her own territory of hell for a really long time. She had her own demonic servants, maids, butlers, subjects and other things. Sofia even dated and married another royal in the land of the accursed. He is important to the story but it's only really important for Sofia's character. This person's name is Sinnock. Sinnok was cool at first and was so until Sofia and Sinnock got married. Sinnock and Sofia began having arguments, they be saying nasty stuff about each other behind each other's backs. They been doing all types of stuff. And what made this worse, is that these two had an actual baby together. But at some point, Sofia and Sinnock got a divorce but Sinnock got custody of their daughter. By this point in time their daughter is 17. Sofia never really wanted a child. She only had one because Sinnock had to produce a precautionary air to his family's royal lineage. Even tho Sofia didn't want a baby in the first place, that didn't change the fact that she was going to try her best at being a mother. Tho by now the daughter is seventeen, Sofia last saw her baby when she was 15. And after that, Sofia didn't really want to stay in hell like this, she had really repented, but since hell is hell, it didn't stop just because she was sorry for her actions. Sofia escaped hell by sneaking out of her level and going to the level of hell Chris was on. When she got there a portal opened up and she knew that it would lead her out of hell so she jumped through. After all that time in hell, Sofia's church was still standing. It was a bit dusty and old but Sofia fixed that up all by herself. Since then, Sofia has had a few new guests come to her church and her methods of getting people to repent changed drastically. She was way sweeter to people now. Sofia is 11 ft, in height. She's 450 pounds. Underbust: 53.66 Bust: 44".Waist: 35". Hips: 47". These are some measurements for Sofia but because she can manipulate bones, she can change her size and her appearance, it's not technically shape shifting but for example if she wanted to, she can make herself from 11ft tall to 5ft tall. But after a few more years her church became a bit more out of the way for lack of better term. But then to her surprise this one dude came in and he was really chill. Sofia and this guy, who's name was Matthew started being friends and since that point, Sofia has been keeping Matthew alive through the years with demon magic. But her magic wasn't strong enough to keep Matthew from being killed, it only stopped him from dying like by old age. So when Matthew was killed, Sofia was really upset. She knew that Matthew was a good man, and was in heaven. But she was scared that Matthew wouldn't come back. It's not like she could go up there and drag him down. Demons aren't allowed in heaven, and she also feared that Matthew wouldn't come back on his own will either. Matthew died from an alien terrorist attack. But before that, Matt was on the run a a criminal and one day after Matthew had to go on the run. Five new guys showed up to the church and these 5 changed her life forever. Sofia took a very strong liking to these guys. Sofia was loving towards them, these five new guys were like sweet loving children to Sofia and Sofia was like a mom to them. Mostly for four of them considering that 4 out of the five guys didn't actually have parents to look after and love them. Their names were Ozzy, Terry, Miracle, and Kai. After awhile the five young teenaged boys and Sofia got closer. But then out of nowhere these two new guys showed up. One was a jester from space and the other one was a Zombie clown with a hammer and street sign. Sofia was scared that the two new guys were going to hurt her surrogate sons so Sofia pulled all five of them away from the two guys to keep them safe. The zombie spoke saying that they weren't going to hurt her. The zombies clown and jester showed up because they saw they the teen boys flying in the sky over to the church but then they got teleported away to another dimension by five figures. The five figures turned out to be the five surrogate sons of Sofia. The five sons fought the Zombie and then after some time all of them showed up at the front door of the church. Sofia, while her sons were out of the church went into her demon form so that she could do some cleaning. And that's when the other guys showed up at the front door. They all saw that Sofia was a demon and her sons all started laughing talking about how no matter where they go they just find more and more demons.

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