Willow Rosé Kurama

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Willow Rosé Kurama is the older sister to William O. Kurama and the Love interest to Delilah Michelle Darkahn. Willow is a Wolf girl who is 22 years old, she is one of the youngest of all my Girl characters, and because of that most of the other girls kinda treat Willow like a little girl because they find it fun to mess with her. To other people, Willow looks like the dominant, lone wolf, mafia boss lady and she kinda is, but if you see Willow around her friends she looks like a little wolf pup gurl who's trying to be intimidating but isn't being taken seriously enough. Willow and her little brother Willam have a pretty healthy relationship but the relation ship with both their parents was non-existent because the two of them never met their folks.

William and Willow were orphaned by their parents at a young age. Willow was a young child and William was an infant. Willow would stay up all night to protect her brother, she would give most of her food to William, and wouldn't go anywhere in the orphanage without Willam. During their time at the orphanage, Willow, who didn't trust any of the other kids, did after a while opened up to a small raccoon boy named rash, Willow took an interest to Rash because she saw that the two of them had a bit in common, fast forward a bit and the two of them are best friends. One day Willow was chatting with Rash with small Willam laying down by her. Without her noticing, William woke up and slowly made his way away from his sister and started wandering around. Eventually little William found an arctic fox boy who was sitting alone by himself, and William mistook The fox boys tail for a pillow and laid down on it alerting the fox boy. After a bit Willow who finally noticed that William wasn't next to her went out looking for him and after some time she found him laying in the arms of a fox boy who went by the name of Meha was looking around for something. Willow walked up to Meha and told him that the baby was her little brother and Meha handed the wolf baby over to Willow. Meha told Willow that she has got be more responsible if she wants to keep her brother safe. Willow thanked Meha for looking after her brother and from that point on, the two of them started seeing more and more of each other. But then that dreadful time came, people were coming in looking for kids to kidnap-adopt. By this time Meha had long since left the orphanage, he escaped and nobody saw him again for awhile. One day a small dog boy came in with his human mom and they found Meha but the dog boy's mom said no to adopting him because he looked "too scrappy". So after a bit they left without adopting anyone. Willow and Rash and William were adopted by a Donkey family that consisted of a Donkey Girl her little brother and a Mom. The Little donkey boy looked to be exactly the same age as William, the donkey boys named turned out to be Didier.

William And Didier grew up being best friends and Willow and Delilah grew up being best friends but almost about to be something more. Willow got bit by a Love Bug and started catching feelings for Delilah. Over the course of a few years Willow kept flirting with Delilah and after a bunch of failed attempts, Delilah finally kissed Willow leaving her really flustered. Since then, for awhile, the two became friends with benefits. Life was relatively good for these guys for a while but, William as he grew older just couldn't stand not having his real parents. He knew that they're was a small chance of ever meeting them, but William eventually ran away because Didier's mom just didn't work for him.

After Willam ran away that's when the infection happened. Willow couldn't believe that William was out there for god knows what reason, by himself and with monsters running around the planet. Willow woke up one day to find that her adopted mom was about to beat her to death because she was holding a blunt object over her body. Willow kicked her adopted mom in her face and went to go get Didier and Delilah. Those two didn't know what to do with themselves, Willow so quick about it. After Willow ran out of the house as fast as she could, carrying both of them, she stopped running in front of an abandoned building and hid her friends inside so that she alone could go out and look for her friends Charles, Meha, and Rash. But she only found one of her friends rash after Didier ran away too, supposedly to look for William. After some time when the infection passed, Willow started a Mafia family, with Delilah as her right hand women and Rash her right hand man. William and Didier would stop by the mafia base after school a few times and despite being a band of criminals, the mafia family was really good to William and Didier. But it wasn't because the other people were scared to get in trouble with their higher ups by mistreating the two kids, but rather they are just nice to William and Didier by heart. Willow has trained William and Didier how to use a gun multiple types at that.

A little more info on my piggy AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora