Pauline Cherry Goten

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Pauline Cherry Goten is the older sister to George K. Goten. Pauline is 19 years old, and is about to be 20. Pauline...she's a bit of an anomaly. Like she is supposed to be a mortal, but at the same time, she's an angel and a demon at the same time. I just have a hard time explaining to myself, what Pauline is supposed to be. But I'll make it a bit simpler to understand. Pauline has a soul that is split up into 3 parts her angel side, her devil side, and her neutral side. Whenever Pauline transforms into any of these things, she burns up a small portion of her soul.

Depending on what feelings she's experiencing at any given time, she will transform into either her Angel form or demon form, both of these forms, giving her the power to easily overpower 7 archangels put together. But when she can't feel anything and tries to transform. She transforms into her neutral form. It's what she and her friends call "Angelic Devil". Because this form is so powerful it among one of the strongest biblical creatures ever.

Whenever Pauline draws power from a negative feeling she transforms into her devil form, or as Pauline calls it in her own words, her Nega form. And vise versa for a positive feeling, Pauline calls her angelic form her: Poso form. Another name that Pauline has for her Angelic Devil form is her: Neu Form. Pauline when she didn't know she had powers like the one's she has, was a pretty normal girl growing up. In school, Pauline was one of the popular girls and received special treatment from pretty much everyone at school because of her Sweet Bubbly persona. After George was born, he quickly became popular too. Everyone at Pauline's school learned about George through how much Pauline would talk about him.

Pauline kept bunch of pics of George in her backpack and she showed everyone. And once George was old enough to go to school, he became even more popular because he gave off the sweet cute innocent shy nerd boy vibe. What added to George's cuteness was that he was always tired. He would have nightmares that keep him up at night (Memory and Mr. Stitchy). So everyday during class George would get his work done fast, and be able to go to sleep sooner. Pauline and George would sit next to each other in class. Every time during class that George fell asleep Pauline would just scratch his head to help him relax.

At night in Pauline home as a kids Pauline would be in bed asleep until she heard her little brother start crying, she would get right up and run to George. A few seconds later Pauline and George's parents would walk into George's room to. Most of the nights George's family would just sit/stand around George and talk with him until he falls asleep. Pauline would stand by George's closet because that's where he says his nightmares would be most of the time. Their dad would carry George in his arms and start bouncing while patting George's back.

Pauline one day brought George to a sleepover with her friends, most of her friends had their own little siblings, so she brought George with her because she thought it would be a good chance for George to make some friends. George and the other four little brothers that Pauline's friends had, were all shy to some extent. But the two other girls that were there were in the slightest, in fact they kinda took George's and a rabbit boy's Dino plushie. But Pauline got both of there toys back.

George wanting to be somewhere else left the room to go to the backyard of Pauline's friends house. He was sitting on the ground until he saw something from way, way, way, further down in front of him move. It looked like an extremely large object that came down from the sky. It landed on the ground and something came out of the large object. What ever he saw waved at him and signaled him to go over to them. George walked over to who/whatever waved at him. But then out of nowhere. George blinked but before that he felt a really sharp pain in his chest and the back of his head. George felt his chest and the back of his head with his hands. Feeling that everything was normal. After he blinked he looks down and sees that he dropped his Dino plushie and his blanket. He picks them up and heads back inside to his sister.

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