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In a realm of gods. There was one who had gone rogue. A god that has always existed and is infinitely wise. And is the bloodlusted, sadistic, antagonistic order within chaos. His name is Chronakon, the god of time. Chronakon has a large number of chronies. One of them being Specter, the dude that helped Henry and Chris take down their wanna be god project director. Another being Armageddon. Chronakon takes on the appearance as a humanoid figure with normal height at about 6'0, and is made entirely of a mystic smoke that glows red with pitch black eyes. While a lot of my other characters are really good hand to hand combatants in their own right, Chronakon can't fight for shit, at least not hand to hand. But Chronakon is extremely proficient with melee weapons and firearms. Chronakon is completely intangible most of the time. He doesn't mind at all getting his hands dirty with a fight. He is a powerful shape shifter, being able to take on any form he wants and because of him being a god, he possess basically reality warping powers. He can make strange devices that can warp reality. He has implanted such devices into all of his henchmen and henchwomen. He has one inside himself in fact. He can spawn weapons like swords, guns and rocket launchers. Chronakon can absorb his goons to augment his size and heal from whatever damage he has sustained beforehand. He has strong pyrokinetic abilities, being able to light up the smoke that makes up his body and become a literal star person. By that point he can basically become his own weapon. The smoke that makes up Chronakon's body is actually a gateway to a pocket dimension that Chronakon controls. A place that's basically true and absolute solitary. A place that is timeless and infinitely expanding. A prison realm that exists outside the laws of time and space, a place with no light but also no darkness. He sends people there, people who can't do as they're told and follow orders and people who fail. He really hates disappointment and failure. And he never lets them out. Only people that can so violently reject Chronakon's body, his world, and his control over that world can forcefully escape that place.

Chronakon communicates to his goons using the reality warping devices inside them. They all go by codenames. Chronakon's codename is darksmokin'god999. So that's a pretty wholesome fact about a god who will kill something without a second thought. Over the years, Chronakon has created a pretty strong emotional bond with one of his goons. Goon in question is a girl who's name is Nene. Nene is something like a stress toy for Chronakon. She now exists only to be used for whatever Chronakon wants. She kinda enjoys being Chronakon's stress toy. In fact she kinda has a crush on Chronakon. But sadly he probably will not know that for a while as he is a god and is incapable of comprehending mortal emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Chronakon is hecka cunning too. In many different situations throughout his life, he has manipulated things from behind the scenes in order to manifest scenarios in which he has the most control and ultimately has the most say in what's happening or what about to happen. Chronakon's whole thing is that he has a job of offing mortal beings that are gaining too much power. And since he is the god of time, he's had to witness and get his hands dirty a lot throughout his life and I mean from the very beginning. His current target is Lord Xero, Death Knight, Blicky The Trickster, Charon, Miracle, Kade, Kai, Ozzy, and Terry, as these guys are some of the most powerful people around, wielding near omnipotent abilities. He's closer to getting to Charon. But Charon even tho she's killed a bunch of gods, she has no idea who Chronakon is or that a god of time even exists. Chronakon has a sister that is a space goddess that can manipulate space on an immense scale with her Spatiokinetic abilities. Her name is Spatiana. Spatiana is the mother to a race of aliens that I can only liken to angels in real life but they're not actually angels, the race is called the Administrators, one of the members of this race has interacted a bit too much with mortals and is kind of a rebel. This rebel's name is The Auditor.EXE or just Auditor.EXE or just Auditor. The Auditor hangs out more with Chronakon in killing people that are growing too powerful. And also has created a good amount of planets with once thriving populations. But then after a few million centuries The Auditor would come along and "enslave" those races. The Auditor herself, calls it enslaving but it's really more like conscription for those races as they are joining Chronakon's and Auditor's Military. Chronakon and The Auditor both have their own Militaries. As Chronakon is the God of time he does not really have the power to create thing but more so manipulate how things work in what order. So having The Auditor on his side and she has the ability to create things, is beneficial for Chronakon. Instead of making people, Chronakon recruits people the more so normal way. He just takes people from all over time itself to be his soldiers. While The Auditor can create people herself, that would take too long and just be very strenuous for her to just keep making people herself, so she has made technology that can create artificial people programmed on a molecular level to be ready to fight until their very last breath no matter what. But while The Auditor's goons are always ready to fight, Chronakon's people are not always ready to fight but they're better at fighting, The Auditor has more expendable goons and soldiers, Chronakon has stronger and smarter soldiers. The Auditor has the same powers as Spatiana which is basically nigh omnipotence. And only one of Chronakon's powers that being able to play with the sands of time. By messing around with time, I mean she's able to travel to the past and future but she cannot interact with people or things in the future or past directly. She has to set up plans to get someone else that's a part of that time frame to do the work for her. Chronakon can mess around with time too obviously but he dares not to try and change things but more so can just take people from time lines and turn them into stronger and more intelligent beings. But he only does it with such people that are such nobodies, that if they were to go missing, no one would know or care at all and I mean literally no one. The Auditor has been told multiple times by her own kind that her mortal affairs and jeopardizing amount of interactions with mortals is unwise but she does it and gets away with it because Chronakon is her nigga basically. The Administrators are really powerful on a cosmic scale but despite that, they are more so along the lines of universal scale manergers. The Administrators also have a pretty tough and negative relationship with The Celestial Sapiens and the Voidians. Some of the Administrators have been sent to "fire" these guys which to them, in this context, means to kill, but they neither have the power to kill or be killed by these guys. The 3 races together are just too overpowered to die to some extent, at least at each other's hands they are so. So eventually Spatiana was like "okay y'all, just leave them alone. Go about y'all's own business." So they all just leave each other alone. By "they" I mean The Administrators left them alone but after those guys just came out of no where saying they wanted smoke with the Fallen Gods and The Void Demons, these guys still wanted smoke and even had "killed" a few Administrators. Most of the ones that still have smoke with the other guys are trapped in an endless cycle of death. It's supposed to be a form a torture and the favorite method of, for The Dark. The Higher Powers just really like watching things and people die over and over again for eternity but The Administrator's higher form of existence and origins to being angels of sorts with no mortal mindset, keeps them from feeling emotions like despair or fear and things like that. So The Administrators keep fighting and there for, haven't really lost yet. The Auditor, even tho she was told to not bother the Higher Powers, actually find one on complete accident. His name was Xakary. He was said to be the embodiment of madness. At first, The Auditor wanted all the smoke but after talking with Xakary, The Auditor learned that he was cool and realized that not all Higher Powers are assholes.

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