Zizzy Mila Blade

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Zizzy Mila Blade is 22 years old and is Axol's girlfriend but not really, more like a friend with benefits than anything else and the older sibling to both Zee Aurora Blade and Zuzy Violet Blade. Zizzy used to have a bad reputation around her school where she made her first friend, Bunny. She used to be a bully and a bad one too, while Zuzy used to play tricks with peoples heads and Zee best peoples up physically, Zizzy was the best of both worlds. Since Bunny came from a super duper blooper scooper wealthy family and was super duper blooper scooper rich herself, Zizzy got to experience what a wealthy sister is like and they both had a lot of fun together. Together they both would push people around and make peoples lives harder than they needed to be. But that was until a transfer student from Japan came along and Zizzy was just unable to break him no matter what she did, wether she play mind tricks, or attempt to beat the crap out of him. He just didn't break, mans didn't even bend or crack let alone break. And oddly enough for Zizzy, she became more and more interested in him. Some time past and she learned that his name was Axol. Zizzy would very easily collect information about Axol, through her method of just being at the right place at the right time. She noticed that Axol doesn't have any friends at school or at least she didn't know about any. Zizzy would constantly be chatting with Axol and telling him that she knows a lot about him. But Axol would always retort that phrase with "you know virtually nothing about me." In a cheeky tone. And then seemingly fade out of sight and appear behind Zizzy facing away from her with very sly expression on his face and walk away from her. Every time Axol would talk like that, it would make her feel some type of way. Like she would feel excited for lack of better term, and she would only try harder and harder to figure out Axol's secrets. But boy-o-boy he didn't make it easy for her. This cat and mouse chase between them would continue all the way until their 7th grade year of middle school. It was a few years and Zizzy's fascination with Axol has grown very noticeably. It was during these years that Zizzy realized that she loves Axol. After that her interactions with Axol were nothing like he remembered. One night when Zizzy was in her room. She decided to take a piece of paper and try writing a love note. The note read "Dear Axol. When it comes to romance, it's hard to find the right words to describe how you really feel. Relationships can be hard, confusing even. But at the same time, you know deep down that words were never needed in the first place. A simple smile or a longing glance or even just a quiet moment alone are all that needs to be said. But if I had to describe how I feel about you in just and only 5 words, the most minimalistic form I can come up with while also being as clear as I possibly can, it would be, I Love You, Axol Kraft. Best wishes, Zizzy." Zizzy snuck this note into Axol's bag before he left for home one day at school. It has been a few days since that point and Axol hasn't said anything about it. Zizzy was worried that Axol didn't see the note or doesn't feel the same way. So the next day at school, Zizzy asked the teacher to do her work in the hallway and the teacher agreed. Zizzy grabbed her bag and left the room. But she wasn't just going out to the hall, she was going to Axol's class. She knocked on the class door and one of the students opened the door. The teacher wasn't in the classroom, so Zizzy wanted to get it done quick before the teacher returned. Zizzy asked if she could barrow Axol. Axol stood up from his desk to walk to Zizzy and asked what she needed. Zizzy took Axol's hand and went out the classroom with the door closing behind them. Zizzy wrote another love Note while she was at home and brought it to school so that she could read it to Axol. This note said "Dear Axol. If I knew what it is that I wanted in my life, to just have that one thing that I would probably never find again. It would be you. Our relationship up to this point was a rocky one. But along with it being rocky and rough and not starting how most stories like this normally start off like, the Journey that you and I went on together was so much fun. It had made me realize that I had to prove to myself that I can actually be worthy of having what I want. And whilst I, myself, can't really say if I really earned the right to do this, I like to think that I have at least the smallest micron of a chance. So I wanted to write this for you so you can judge for me, wether or not I deserve this. I love you unconditionally Axol Kraft. Will you make me the happiest girl ever and be mine?" Zizzy stuttered this note aloud and with each stutter, she got more and more flustered. Zizzy then looked at Axol in the eyes and awaited the response. Axol stood there, eyes only slightly widened. But a smile grew on Axol's face. Axol walked closer to Zizzy and planted the gentlest kiss on her cheek, turning Zizzy from a Black and White Zebra into a Black and Red Zebra. The class that Axol came from was going wild at the sight they were so happy for Axol. "Yes. I will be yours. So you need not to worry your adorable little face about it." Axol said cupping his hands on Zizzy's face. "I left you a note in your bag y'know." Zizzy replied to that. Axol giggled and said he knew the note was in his bag but he just wanted for Zizzy to say what she wanted to say out loud. Axol likes getting the chance tease and mess with Zizzy that way. Zizzy was joyous that Axol said yes to her confession but was so embarrassed and flustered that she had been tricked into expressing her emotions in front of a bunch of people by the person she wanted to confess to.

Since then, Zizzy has changed into a better person. She still makes fun of other people sometimes but that's about as far as she goes. Zizzy has been getting into fencing at around this point. Zizzy's parents both got better jobs and got bigger bags out of it but at the expense of not being at home a lot. So Zizzy was like a stand in mother for her twin sisters who were in kindergarten at this point. So Zizzy has Axol over at her house most of the time because Zizzy knows not how to take care of herself and her sisters, like how to cook or how to get them to school, so Axol usually takes care of that. Zizzy has tried countless times to try and seduce Axol. She doesn't know why but everything Axol does makes her love him even more. Zizzy likes to fence but she gets carried away and over does things by accident, she hurts herself or tires herself out too much, so Axol goes to school, does his thing, grabs a copy of work for Zizzy to do at home and then continues with house chores and taking care of Zee and Zuzy.

On more than one account, Zizzy has taken Axol for granted and kinda forgets to appreciate all the stuff he does for her. So as a punishment, Axol takes Zee and Zuzy and spoils the hell out of them while Zizzy stays home and does house work. Axol, while he's out with Zee and Zuzy, does stop by Zizzy's fav restaurant and buys her something, but only gives it to her once she admits that she's learned her lesson. Zizzy falls asleep usually by laying down on Axol's lap, and Axol just pets and rubs her head while telling her stories about his life til Zizzy falls asleep. Axol then carries Zizzy to her bed, tucks her in and kisses her forehead, before leaving. Because Axol is doting boyfriend material like that. So Axol takes care of Zizzy and her sisters, out of the kindness and love for her in his heart and Zizzy does what she is ordered to do by Axol in exchange. If she doesn't then Axol punishes her accordingly. Zizzy and Axol would be one of the most popular couples at their school, mainly because Axol was well known around the world because he stopped bank robberies, by himself. So he has been on the news a few times but Axol doesn't particularly enjoy being popular or famous. Heck neither does Zizzy. Axol's popularity has made him a target for women across the globe and Zizzy is kinda territorial over what's hers and wants all these other girls to know that Axol is hers and hers alone.

During high school, Zizzy and Axol have both grown up and Zizzy wanted Axol to move in with her. Her and Zee and Zuzy. Axol didn't want to say no to the little faces of what's essentially his new family, so he said yes, got his stuff and moved in with them. Zizzy walked into the living room one day and saw Axol playing one of his favorite games. She noticed how much fun he has playing that game and doubted why it was so special. Zizzy asked Axol if she could play with him, Axol chucked spare controller at her, she hooked up the controller and they both started playing the story mode. Life was great for the two of them. Until Axol died. Yeah he dead like a mug. But Zizzy is about to help her friends resurrect him. Zizzy would bully Axol but every time someone else hurts him, that when Zizzy goes "Homie don't play that!" And turns into a bit of a yandere towards anyone who hurts Axol. Zizzy hates everyone that hurts Axol but loves Axol and treats those that Axol like and loves with respect and kindness.

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