Didier T.Darkahn&William O.Kurama

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Didier T. Darkahn is 15 years old now. His birthday is 1/8/2007. Didier is the baby brother to Delilah Michelle Darkahn. Didier is also the adopted younger brother to Willow and the actual adopted twin brother to William O. Kurama. Didier lived a normal normal life. At least for the most part. Didier and Delilah lived a life of hardship. And that's not saying that they were poor or that their parents were super evil and super rich scientists or anything like that, no. Didier and Delilah lived a life of work because their mom was an irresponsible individual. Their mom was almost a little girl in a grown woman's body. Their mom was spoiled by their dad but after a few years, at the time where Didier and Delilah and William and Willow were able to do things for themselves like being able to clean or cook. Didier and Delilah's dad left because he couldn't handle their mom anymore. He wanted to take both his biological and adopted kids with him but he couldn't. So he dipped. After some time after Didier and Delilah's dad left, William dipped away without anyone knowing because he couldn't stand his adopted mom. Willow was so scared and worried because William, her baby brother wasn't with her when she woke up and had a panic attack. Delilah did her best to comfort her but it wasn't doing a whole lot. Didier would go out everyday to go and look for William until one time, he decided that he wouldn't go home until he found William. One night Didier caught sight of William and dipped after him and the two of them never came back. It was after that, Didier and William both realised that they weren't normal. Something differentiated them from most of the people around them. It was after being attacked by a bear that they figured out that they have super powers. The same powers that George, Richard and Edmond have but with a bit of a bonus. For William his superpower is being able to enhance his physical power by 100x by using a genetic ability that originated from a race of aliens with a name that you will never be able to pronounce correctly with a human or anthropormorphian tongue. But it sounds somewhat like Superian. Super-Ian that's how you can get a good enough pronunciation of the name. He can use this power at the expense of bringing himself to near death. Like he used his power for the first time and broke his arm because his body wasn't used to the sudden surge of power. So when William figures out what Ki can do, he pretty much dropped using this genetic ability. William is kinda royalty just like his brothers. His ability to enhance his physical power stems from a latent mutated alien gene in his body that came from his great x15 granddad getting into an accident with some experiments back on his home world. The experiment was to be able give people a tolerance to low oxygen levels, for other races that were planet bound for fear of loosing members in space. So the Superians were like "aye, I got you fam!" And started working on something for that. And then Williams ancestor had a kid that grew up to run for king of the planet, won, and basically started a new royal bloodline. And overtime that messed up gene from ancestor to ancestor, grew and evolved overtime. To the point to where William had it and he was able to do a lot of stuff. Didier is from a race of aliens called the Kcombatants. Which are a race of people that are, believe it or not, very mutual. Like they weren't super kind but they also weren't hella evil or anything. See the Kcombatants are a race of fighters that actually got most of their fighting styles from different planets and races from all across the galaxy. In fact a lot of the different styles came from earth among other planets. Some Kcombatants were Shaolin Monks, others were like Ninjas/Shinobi, others were like soldiers too. These guys were built way different too, they could grow to be as strong as people such as Matt or Ultra Instinct Shaggy. In fact all of the Ckombatants are born with levels of power that can get to be at least 20x as strong as both of them combined. And since, to an extent, both Matt's and Shaggy's powers are limitless. Just guess what that mean for the Ckombatants. And on top of that just like how they learned fighting from all across the cosmos, they learned a bunch of different techniques too. Like how to turn their souls into fire (or any other element) that can burn other people's souls, how to defuse people who's souls have been combined, how to mimic other people's powers etc. Like alongside being able to grow stronger out of nowhere. William's body is able to produce high levels of electricity, he can make his skin and fur as hard as titanium, has a really efficient healing factor, and can absorb and endless amount of energy and radiation no matter what type that may be which could then be used to increase the level of his genetic powers. While Didier on the other hand can do almost everything his brothers can do but Didier's race is of elemental beings. The dudes are like the miniature less powerful versions of god itself. Didier's favorite elements are fire and lightning. He likes to combine them for a Thunder Blaze Surprise. The bear that attacked them actually became friendly after it's encounter with William and Didier. It only attacked them because it was scared for both itself and it's 3 babies. After seeing the babies, Didier and William told the bear that they would help them get food and water for the Cubs. And so that they did. To this day the bear is dead, it died during that alien terrorist attack, alongside its three babies. After the infection, William told George, Richard, and Edmond about the bear and they helped take care of it too. William hasn't used his powers in awhile now, at the time his body was still frail and fragile so he couldn't use the power without experiencing a major draw back. But if he were to use it now, he would be able to use it no problem. Didier has only got a hold of his powers because he would train it intensely but not for very long.

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