Edmond K. Galeem

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Edmond Kai Galeem is a very talented boi and lived life with a supportive and filthy rich family, his cousin basically was a rabbit boy who was part of a family that had very close ties to his own family. Edmond's mom and dad were two of the richest people on the planet nay in history tied with the jevil's. Edmond's dad and Richard's dad were best friends since birth and both of them had a very strong desire to be rich because the were fans of fictional characters that possessed a lot of money like anthony edwards, or bruce wayne. so the both of them made a promise to each other that they both would become the richest people on earth nay in history and that's exactly what they did. Edmond's dad had made a company that specializes in tech that range from kids toys and military grade technology. Edmond's dad was a very genius mind. He would make the most impressive pieces of tech and then sell them to the highest bidders at auctions. he would be paid by governments across the globe to make these things. he also is one hell of a physician. he makes medicines to cure some of the most monstrous of illnesses too. And so people would pay a crap ton of money for medicines too. Edmond's mom was a businesswoman that owned a company that basically revolves around like children's restaurants. like pizzerias. the main attractions at these pizzerias are actually robots that edmond's dad built himself to perform on stage on a daily basis and not need to be repaired all too often. military grade robots being used for the entertainment of kids. the robots could dance, sing, were equipped with built in helium tanks for inflating balloons at their fingertips, they could take song requests, they could make ice cream, they were built also with programming for the protection of the customers. Once the robots see that something inherently bad was going on it would spring into action accordingly to the situation. for example, if there was a fire, the robots would get everyone out of the buildings, then extinguish the fire with their built in fire extinguishers. if there was like a fight and some people got hurt then it would defuse the situation and tend to the wounds as best they could, if someone died then it would immediately call the cops. in fact, the robots themselves were able to connect to a criminal database and keep track of all the visitors to see if anyone in the building has a criminal record of any kind. depending on what's in the person's record, it would either be sure to just keep a good eye on someone, if they were just a thief or something, or immediately call the popo if the person had a record of kidnapping or murder. Edmond's dad was a very good man and did everything in his power to make sure that everyone and thing was safe inside all of the pizzeria locations. the locations were in every city all across the planet and they would get tons of customers everyday so you know that these two were making bank. Along side owning a beauty company, Richard's mom and Edmond's mom co owned the pizzerias just like how Edmond's dad and Richard's dad both co owned a the biggest entertainment network in the world.

but once the infection struck the world, Edmonds Parents were infected, Edmond was sitting in his room reading a book, his sister was in her room drawing on her art tablet, when suddenly his parents broke the door to his room.

Scaring edmond immensely, but once he saw his parents he calmed down, and asked if they needed him for something, but they did not say anything, Edmond looked down toward his parents hands, and saw his mom holding an uzi, and his dad holding fully automatic Pistal.

Edmond looked at his parents faces and was unable to recognize what he was looking at, it was his parents undeniably but there faces were twitching and jerking around and their eye were as empty and black as void apart from the two teal glowing light in his dads left eye and the single dark purple light in his moms right eye.

Edmond was confused and worried about what was going on, but then he saw his parents raise their firearms in his direction, with a hellish scream coming from his parents they pulled their triggers, but Edmond was born with a kind of super power, it was ultra-perception, and as the bullets were flying Edmond put on a smirk as he was got up from where he was sitting and seemingly disappeared in front of his parents face, at least in their eyes.

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