Richard M. Jevil

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Richard Miracle Jevil is the unwanted Child of Mr. Jevil/Mrs. Platinum (Luis Jevil and Clarissa Platinum), the little brother to Bunny and the Best Friend to Everybody. Richard was severely Abused by his Parents and Rebecca once he turned the age of 6. His father began using Richard as a test dummy for a serum that he and Mr.P worked together to make. The serum would let a person have immortality. Mr.P the kind hearted soul he is at the time thought that Richard was volunteering to help test the serum.

The immortality serum's development lasted 8 years. Eight whole years of Experimentation. But one day 5 days before the infection... the serum worked. But it was not without its side effects. The result of the serum was that it left Richard with the ability to switch out the colors of his eyes to what ever he wants at anytime he wants. The other side effect is that the serum allowed Richard to go half way through puberty, for example, he never had a bunch of pimples and stuff on his face, he never had any uncontrollable erections and he never grew hair on anywhere but his head.

But his voice did get deeper but not by a lot, he grew taller, and got a small bit bulky.

Richard suffered psychological and physical abuse by his family, and even was told by his father that he was an irrelevant, insolvent speck of dirt that doesn't even have the right to make his own decisions. And he wasn't, from that day forward Luis told Richard that if someone gave him an order no matter who that person was, he fulfill that order to the letter.

Which has led to Richard to doing very bad things to himself. I would tell you a few of the things that people have told Richard to do but only one of those things actually matter to the story. And that's the day Blake told Richard to kill himself in order for him to regain her approval of his existence.

And so when ever Richard had the time he would do terrible things to himself, like jumping off of the sixth story of his childhood mansion with a noose around his neck attempting to hang himself, or him stuffing himself in the oven hoping to burn to death or him taking a kitchen knife and slicing both his wrists and his neck hoping to bleed to death but nothing worked.

From all of the suicide attempts Richard wears bandages around his neck, arms, chest to waist, his thighs - to arches of feet.

From the amount of sleep or more so severe lack there of, Richard has bags under his eyes.

Richard would be held in his father's basement that had no lights, a blindfold covering his eyes, noise canceling headphones.

At random but frequent points during Richard's childhood his mother, father and sister would come to the basement with weapons or barehanded and start beating Richard to a pulp with their hands or things like sledgehammers, bats, etc.

everything That Richard did in his life for the next seven years up until the infection wasn't on his free will, he couldn't even ask if he could do anything everything that Richard has done in those seven years were orders and everything included things like talking.

Normal people with a life like this would have resorted to drinking, smoking, self harm or suicide and in those cases, it would work for them. Not for Richard tho. But Richard doesn't even know what those things are. He doesn't even know what death is really, he so innocent that he knows nothing about bad in its entirety. Tho he does get to learn what death is after a while. And becomes completely numb to it. Like he looks into the face of death and sits on the ground awaiting for his dad to resurrect him.

Richard's parents were really strict and forced Richard to be perfect at everything and if he wasn't, that would be a very heavy beating.

So Richard is perfect at almost everything, he is an expert marksman, a grand master level in every known and unknown martial art including fictional ones, he knows how to play every musical instrument, he knows Physics better than most physicists, he knows how to build rockets and airships and knows how a rocket is wired just by a single glance, can sing, can dance, is an expert artist, knows player and anthropomorphian biology, is an expert at construction work, knows how to drive in his sleep, is on a professional level in chemistry, and surpassed the best Olympic athletes.

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