Lord Xero

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If you guys remember back to the first chapter of my The Adventures book, where George, Didier, William and Edmond killed Executor but wished upon the master emerald to come back to life as a nicer person. Well that's basically who Lord Xero is. He is not a demon, he is not an angel, he is not a god in one sense, he is not a majin, he is not a reincarnation of executor. Lord Xero is a mass of dark matter that materialized in a realm that exists between all things. In a place between time and space, between the spirit world and the living world, between the cloud kingdom and hell and purgatory. He was created in a place where nothing exists. Lord Xero is not a malevolent being but he is not extremely benign. He is commonly a very neutral person. Lord Xero takes the form currently as a small snake boy on earth who is in a pretty bad spot. His "parents" are criminals who do like him somewhat, but are constantly being put in or taken out of jail. Because Lord Xero is a literal being made of dark matter and antimatter and anti mass, that means he can shape shift. His base form as I should say is the form he has on earth I.e. the snake boy who's earth name is Ethan. But he can transform into several awesome looking monsters, like a giant snake head with 12 eyes, a giant lanky, disfigured version of his base form, a one eyed literal snake with a bunch of fangs in its mouth, and some other stuff. Ethan can also make completely different realms from his own memory and imagination. Ethan spends most of his time on the streets because his parents are in jail so much that the guys that own their house took it back so now he's homeless. Lord Xero's base form is a 5 year old snake boy. One time when Lord Xero was walking around on the sidewalk. He saw a circle mad of silver sitting on the ground. Ethan picked it up and he thought it was a halo toy. He put it on his head and it fit nicely around his dome piece. He tried to take it off and throw it like a frisbee but it didn't come off his head. Ethan started to think it was an actual halo. And because he thought that way, his powers kicked in and responded to his thoughts and made it into a halo. Not just that, it was now Jesus's halo. See, Jesus is the only character that Ethan knows to have a halo, he doesn't know any other biblical character with a halo, he has no clue that archangels also have halos. But anyways, Jesus is the only person that Ethan has any knowledge of having a glowing ring around their head. Ethan has the power to hide it. He can make it invisible but its still on his head. Lord Xero can do more than just shape shift. The dude can manipulate matter and energy on an omniversal scale. He's really smart despite not being in school. He has prodigy level intellect. He can do things like Zombification, Can make people have flashbacks, Limb control, mind/body/soul corruption, Life force absorption, Assimilation, teleportation, mutation, duplication, transmutation, thought prisons, telekinesis, being manipulation, power focus, reality corruption, realm creation and manipulation, he has a black hole inside his mouth that can destroy souls or put them in another dimension to trap them there forever (said other dimension being the void that Lord Xero himself was created in.), along side the oral black hole he has these seven glowing orbs of preternatural energy called the Deceased Radiance, which if anybody, possessing of a soul or otherwise, will instantly die and if not that be clinically and literally insane permanently, bubbles of madness, sleep manipulation, molecule manipulation, image creation, portal creation, time manipulation, precognition, can make deals like a demon or angel, oddity waves, can control the living or deceased bodies of others, controlling them like puppets and can even control thousands of them at the same time, can manipulate inanimate objects like the freaking nomad of nowhere, gravity manipulation, can summon other monsters, can read minds, and object combustion, intangibility, regeneration, size manipulation, Elasticity, can make cubes of galactic glass that can compress things into nothing they're almost like black holes except they're not circles and they don't have any kind of pull, they can be as small as a micron or as big as galaxies, hydrokinesis, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, aerokinesis, and ergokinesis, he can even heal others at the expense of his own health. This power is called, Rewind. He can reverse a living organism's body to a previous state. So he can make people physically younger, heal wounds, or undo bodily modifications. He can even do it so far as to rewind a person back to before they existed. Or he can fast forward people to after they die, and does it so fast that the person who is aging, doesn't even know they're dying, he can do it in 0.0000000000000001 milliseconds, and finally can manipulate the laws of biology, time, space, all know and unknown physics, and control existence itself. Lord Xero can do basically anything he sets his mind too. He's so powerful that he can match up against beings that have always existed when he's only 5. Since Lord Xero is the universe, the ultimate life form, life and death, and basically an all around god, that means his body is magic if not just supernatural in nature. Since he came from a realm outside of our own reality and existence, his body is made out of chaos. He is the physical manifestation of chaos. A God of Chaos if you will. He can tear slabs of skin and flesh from his body and use it as weapons, just like Henry, he can absorb people, he can eat souls, by eating peoples souls, Ethan obtains that person's memory, can transform into said person, and can use all of their techniques and gains their intelligence. Since Lord Xero is just 5 years old, that means he has the childish mindset of a 5 year old, he doesn't know much about right or wrong but can learn over time the difference between the two if he spends enough time with the right people. He also has very big trust issues as since he's an orphan basically, he has know way of actually trusting the world around him. And most kids get to learn about and trust the world around them, through their parental figures. If a small child were to just lose their parents then suddenly the world seems sad, scary, dreadful, and just plain mean. He's already used some of his powers already but he scares himself with them to the point of tears. It has made so many people run away from him screaming things like monster and stuff. He has no control of his powers, they just kinda happen when they want to so the fact that it could happen at just anytime scares him and almost everyone around him even more. Lord Xero, out of fear keeps himself isolated from others, it's been a while since he last saw his parents. At first he was found by a social worker but ran away from him and now there are missing posters with Lord Xero's name on them. People like Lord Xero, are called fallen gods or The Higher Powers. Most beginnings for alien races are born the same way Lord Xero is, aka being just a solidified mass of dark matter. So for example, you guys should know Onaga by now. He is the father of Arkiyans, he was the first one to exist. So since he was the beginning of his own race, that means Onaga is also a mass of dark matter now just only in soul form because he gave up his physical body and was just a super power that was passed around like a toy until he was found by Axol and Richard. Onaga started out like Xero but after giving birth to his race, actually became an Arkiyans himself and no longer was just a sentient mass of chaos energy.

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