George K. Goten

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George is the little brother of penny and best friends to Richard, Edmond, Didier, William, Zee, Zuzy, Memory, Parasee, and Dino piggy.

George is 15 years old just like Richard, Edmond, Didier, and William.

George is a sweet, kind, and Veracious cinnamon roll that is also a magical god kinda. George is a master of all forms of Magic, but sticks with Chaos Magic, Dream Magic, Omega Magic, Armageddon Magic, Order Magic, Ninja Magic, and Spirit Magic, Though he is most favorite is dream magic giving him his magical nickname: The Day Dreamer.

George was given Infinite God Ki by Richard and is aware of that because he is so close to Richard psychologically and can manipulate ki like a Boss

George was born into a very good and supportive family and was praised by his sister and parents for his unprecedented intelligence and rate of which he is able to learn and adapt to stuff but his family does not know who he gets it from. His family every week would get bunches of letters from prestigious schools saying that they want George to be a part of their schools which made his parents and sister extremely proud of him.

When confronted about it by his parents, George says that he does not want to go to any fancy schools. When asked why he answers with I have a good idea on what I want to do with my life and I don't need to have a degree or anything like that to do it.

George is not only extremely smart but he is also extremely athletic. He surpasses actual Olympic Athletes for warm-ups, and blows people away when he's taking something serious.

Despite the things that George is capable of, he does not let his praise get to his head, in fact people see George and automatically assume that he's some pretentious brat, but when they actually get to know George they end up liking him a lot.

Some of the things that George can do is: play every musical instrument, has a perfect photographic memory, can sing/dance, can build robots that are more technologically advanced than the rest of the worlds military grade machines called Toys, is a master martial artist in all forms including fictional ones and unknown ones, is on a professional level in chemistry, can take a glance at a rocket or missile and instantly know how it's built/wired off the top of his head, can build airships and rockets, can speak fluently in every language including dead ones, is an expert artist, is an expert at construction work, knows player and antropomorphian biology, Cook, Clean, and all sorts of other things.

George's relationship with the rest of the gang is pretty healthy he's at a point with the rest of the gang to where he trusts them with his life and everyone else reciprocates the same feeling of trust in George. Bunny actually treats George like a little brother sometimes, but George has come to notice that for the longest time, he hasn't seen Richard or Bunny hangout with each other, he does not do anything about it tho. Because as much as he wants bunny to spend time with her little brother, it's not entirely any of his business so he can't really do anything on the matter.

In fact George only recalls Richard addressing Bunny as ma'am/mistress which always threw him off.

One thing that George loves doing is going on adventures and with his powers, he is cable of adventuring worlds far beyond just the earth that he knows. And that's what he does but he likes to have company when doing so, so his best friends Richard, Edmond, William, and Didier, go with him on every adventure because they love going on adventures too.

George along with his four best friends co-own a YouTube channel called Sunset Chill Zone where every week they would post five videos of doing let's plays or reaction videos or music videos, but each of the five friends own their own private channels, George's private channel is called Emperor Neo Geo and he does meme animations, the co-ownership channel has 15 mil subscribers and George's private channel has 10 mil.

That's only one of George's jobs, listing all of his jobs, he has 5 George is a: YouTuber, barista/waiter at a café, miracle worker, instagram model, and a super hero kinda.

George is sorta like a half femboy, depending on what he's wearing if he's wearing clothes that like cover him up a lot then he looks really feminine, but if he is wearing clothes that don't cover him up very well he looks masculine.

George is really good at doing chores and stuff and he actually does them without being told to, his parents and sister try to get him take a break and let them handle chores on almost a regular basis but he insists that he can take care of them.

George has this kinda abnormality with his body, when ever his body gets squeezed, his body makes an adorable squeaking noise, leading to his lover Zuzy calling him Plushie. By the way George is Autistic, like he fundamentally is unable to read socials cues for example. If something isn't overt like a dang Neon sign, he will have trouble noticing. That's how he was unable to tell that Zuzy had a crush on him until she outright confessed her feelings and asked to take George out on a date the first time. But because he's an alien, autism works way different for him. And also he's just minor Autistic anyways. And plus with his magic it's basically not noticeable that he has autism. Alongside, autism, George has ADHD as well. He can focus on either many things, or can only focus on one thing. He hates being in one spot for too long and tends to wander off doing his own thing to keep himself occupied. At times, especially around his friends, George is hella chaotic. He has trouble trying to stay still at times. He can but he would need like his phone or Nintendo switch just so that he can focus on something and be a little more under control. But the fact that

If you made it this far then another thing you should know about George is...

George is an alien or more part of one, George is a decent of an alien race called the Utopians, a race of powerful benign soldiers, almost a literal race of super hero's, George is born with the super powers that you would think to belong to the best of super hero's, and he kinda does, he has infinite strength, near invincibility/absolute invulnerability, can move faster than instant teleportation, heat vision, and that stuff, but that's not even the most intriguing thing about the utopians,

The most two most interesting thing about utopians is that they can at will activate a sorta copying mechanism in their bodies that when anyone/thing comes into physical contact with them can completely emulate the powers of. Meaning if He-man for example were to strike a utopian with all his might, it would do nothing, and the utopian would be able to hit back with the same amount of force.

George is the only one of his bloodline in the last few hundreds of years to realize his aliens heritage so his sister, parents, and grandparents all the way up to his great (x9) grandparents were completely oblivious to the powers that lay dormant within them.

George gets his power from his great (x10) grandpa, the last pure blooded Utopian of his bloodline, and he ruled as a emperor, giving George a royal legacy. And also since George is an alien, that kinda means that he gets to keep a very youthful look. He is currently 15 but he looks 11. He will only really look like he's grown or at least a big teenaged boy when he hits the age of 45. I bet Zuzy would be jealous if that one.

Another thing about George is that he, besides the Ki that was given to him by his best friend, had his own Ki but his Ki is kinda different, the Ki that George was born with was Legendary Ki, originally George had a Continuous supply of it, but after Richard gave George non-finite God Ki, also gave him non-finite Legendary Ki.

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