Henry R. Mimbleton

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Henry Ryan Mimbleton or just Hank for short, is a pretty secretive character. He is a human male. Not many people know who he is. Henry was a sweetheart as a kid all the way up into adulthood. Mans came out the womb not wanting to do any harm to anybody at all. Everyone liked Henry, he was like his town's golden boy. His mom and dad both owned a military/tech empire, and they was getting kind of old so they needed someone to keep their family name going. The person assigned with that job was Henry himself. But his parents couldn't just give their combined empires to their kid oh no. Henry has to travel down the rite of passage. Henry has to work his way up the ranks, so he did. Henry did his magic, he was an elite amongst normies and losers. Mans was masterful in the different kinds of military in other countries in every branch of military. He was perfect, he was never outdone, he never lost, he never gave up, and his group would always win. Henry quickly rose to the top of his platoon and taught his fellow soldiers a lot during his time. He was code named the "Death Knight" mainly because everyone assumed that Henry wouldn't be able to take care of missions or anything like that because he was born into a rich family. But now that has changed, people call him Death Knight because he's an unstoppable force of badassery, and a mad man in combat, and is usually the last thing people see when they fight him. Basically he's called that because everyone he fights is bound to become a dead man. Not only that, but he chose this name because in a sense, mercenaries are almost like knights, but Henry is called Death Knight because he seeks only to bring death. Henry was in the middle of a mission to take out one of the worse terrorists the world has ever seen. Which was actually Richard and Blake's parents. They had their own military and Henry was a one man army. Henry was just about to infiltrate into the enemy base but as he was there one of his teammates slipped up and some stuff popped off. It all ended with Henry dying. But that's when Henry realized that he was different from the people around him. For lack of better term he had a quirk. And that quirk was that he could revive himself from the dead and keep trucking without too much issue and like nobody's business. In fact that's one of the things that pushed Richard's dad into making a serum for immortality, and one of the reasons why he forced Richard into the life of a soldier. To combat the near unstoppable force that is Henry. By the time Hank was a full on Marine, He was sent on a mission that brought him into an altercation with Batman, and Death Knight held his own, kicked Batman's ass, and killed the cape crusader. And Hank was bored as hell during the fight. The dude also fought against James Bond, killed his dumb ass, and John wick, snuffed his sorry ass too. As a bonus, every time that Henry died and came back to life, his body would be restored to peak condition. So if he died by being shot in the head, Henry can use black lighting, shoot it from the sky and his dead corpse would be repaired, then Henry can just reposes his body bringing him back alive again he. He can also do the same thing with his allies, if they die then Henry can resurrect them but he can only do it with others a certain amount of time before getting tired, he can do it with himself unlimitedly. So with that ability, he kept getting back up, he would always come back, he wouldn't stop fighting until his mission was complete. But there have been times when Henry dies but in order to keep low profile or even if he just doesn't feel like resurrecting himself, he can always rely on his friends to take care of things. Even before he figured out he had this power, Hank has gotten into scraps that no person could survive to come out from. There was a time where Hank had to do a mission but someone came up behind and stabbed him straight through the back and the proceeded to slice hanks stomach open allowing all of his insides too spill out. Hank survived barley and still finished the mission but he was literally looking death in the eyes. But luckily one of his best friends came in and saved his life. The guy who saved him is named Ken and he is like the medic of the team. Ken is the worst fighter out of Hank, Justin, Elena, and himself. In fact he knows Hank inside and out, literally because Ken has taken Hank apart and put Hank back together again multiple times. Most people fear Hank but not Ken because if it's not for Ken, Hank would be down in hell fighting demons. One time when Henry brought himself back to life, he awoke to an unfamiliar place, his squad was still with him but everything around him didn't look the same, his whole team was wondering what had happened. But then they were shocked to find out that a lady with scales a tail and wings looking like a humanoid dragon had kidnapped them and was about to force them to work for her. Out of everyone she wanted Henry the most and would put him through the worst kind of slow and painful torture that would always end up killing him, but thanks to his abilities he just repaired his body repossess it, and boom. It took a long time for Henry to lose his will to fight the lady and he eventually joined her military, serving as one of her elites. But secretly, Henry and his friends took a few ships went back to the other planet that they were teleported to, went back to their base that was teleported their to said planet also, and now Henry and his friends are fighting a never ending war with enemy forces, that would be the last time Henry gave up on anything. But the dragon lady left one day leaving her forces to fight Henry off, but she never returned. The forces were fighting for years straight, almost to this very day. Henry wouldn't fight and loose he would continue until he took that dub. After some time, One of Henry's friends died and was sent to purgatory her name was Elena (soldier piggy), but Henry ventured into that hell hole and dragged his friend out, essentially giving his friend Immortality. Henry by this point is about as powerful as Spider-Man + Captain America + Batman + death stroke + Deadpool + Hank J. Wimbleton + The Flash + Sonic The Hedgehog + Quick Silver. So that dude can perform some crazy things as far as human standards go. His brain can comprehend images and other things billions of times faster then a normal human. Is fast enough to easily out run time, death and reality itself. Took on an army of Shaolin monks and ninjas and a few other mercenaries all by himself. Strong enough to stop cars by standing in front of them, and strong enough to kick down a steal safe door. And has even fought and killed Chris at one point during one of his misadventures in Nevada. Henry has even been sent to the past during pirate times traveling as a living time bomb of galactic annihilation. And somehow this man survived through all of it. You might be asking why and how. And the reason why is because he is the goddamn Death Knight! Henry is about the equivalent to a walking talking arsenal, of knives, guns, explosives, poisons, swords, and a lot more and guess what, Henry has an endless supply of these things. He does this by using this giant invisible backpack (essentially) that has infinite space because it's basically a pocket dimension. Henry can draw weapons from this bag even if the weapon or any object really, doesn't exist. A bonus to Henry's superpower is that with each death Henry gets harder and harder to kill. And that's not to say that he gets an immunity to a specific manner of death, like he gets torn in a half and once he comes back he is just unable to be torn in half again, nah. He's not Doomsday from DC comics. Its more like Henry just automatically knows how to prevent the same outcome of death from happening more then once with each death he experiences. He found and used a gun that can erase you from history, a gem that could rewrite the way your origin started. While Henry is a stone cold soldier, he is one mean son of a bitch when he needs to be, he doesn't like being mean but that just one of the requirements for the job, during his fight with Chris, one of the factoring actions that Henry took in order to win, was making fun of Chris's assumed to be dead family. Henry did get to own his parents military empire but then left it to his best younger military friend named Elena (Torcher) to run it, so that he could leave/Retire from military work and become a vigilante that held the same title as his code name, Death Knight. Henry and Chris have ran into each other more then once when Chris was just coming back from hell starting his new life as a Zombie Vampire Demon. Each time the two of them battled, they got a bit closer, to the point where they're almost like friends but not really. More so that they both know that they can trust each other. They can kinda bond over the fact that neither of them are able to stay dead. Henry with his weird but overpowered quirk and Chris being blessed by a fallen angel. Torcher invited Henry to Her and Justin's wedding and Henry happily attended. It was a lot of fun killing a bunch of people with your two best friends. Yea some people attacked during the wedding so there was a slight change in plans and the trio of soldiers fought their way off into the sunset laughing and having a good ol time. Henry was once sent across time and space into another dimension with other versions of himself, 12 of them in total, With his niece and nephew and fought all of the 12 other versions of himself single handedly, all at once, with his 2 year old niece and nephew in his arms. Found a way back to his own world. And at the dinner table, told his friends that they went out of the house to have some fun. Saying that they just went to the park and made some friends. Something similar happened to Henry again, he was transported through time and space and was stuck on an island with other mercenaries from other timelines and worlds. Every so often a lot of strange people would come along. Like iron man, Batman, Spider-Man, some of the other avengers, Galactus, and a bunch more. Henry was stuck on that island for 55 years. just killing the other mercenaries as well as the other super villains that showed up from time to time. He's been into both hell and purgatory and slaughtered millions of trillions of demons. Giant beasts, Zombies, Vampires and gods of the underworld. Killed a titan. One from AOT and another Titan from Olympus. There have been a lot of instances where Henry has just been too angry to die. He's so stealthy that with his goggles, he can see the footprints of his targets or their goons but cannot see his own footprints with his goggles.

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