Mr. Stitchy

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Mr. Stitchy is one of the most mysterious characters in Piggy. Not much is known about the thing. But here is what I know about it in my Au. Mr. Stitchy is a species kind of monsters called Eldritch Abominations, these types of monsters can do the wildest things, some can alter the way things look (Perception Alteration) around their prey, some can open portals to let out other monsters that are under their control. For Mr. Stitchy, he can do all of those things and a whole lot more. Mr. Stitchy's Power are drawn from a Mega Evil Entity called The Insolence which is a fragmented piece of the void that existed before the beginning of The Creation of existence. Try saying that 5 times fast.

So Mr. Stitchy is drawing power from one of the oldest and evilest things to ever live. Mr. Stitchy was also unknowingly part of a Cult because a few of his ancestors were in this cult that prayed to and Worshipped The Insolence. Meanwhile Mr. Stitchy's friend named Tio, was actually studying about The Insolence and how to use its power because he was trying to find a way to revive Mr. Stitchy who had long since been dead because the cult had Handed Mr. Stitchy over to The Insolence as a sacrifice. This is what prompts Tio to tell us that he once had a friend but said Friend was upset that Tio was becoming too much like him and that Said friend was being sure to make that fact as clear as possible. It's Mr. Stitchy trying to save his only and best friend from turning himself into the same monster that he was. It's Mr. Stitchy trying to save Tio from becoming an Eldritch Abomination.

Mr. Stitchy does not talk not out loud at least. The only noise that he makes out loud are just some empty, Ghostly gasps, and sounds that sound a lot like static from a tv. Mr. Stitchy communicates by telepathy or by its favourite method just thinking out loud. She "thinks out loud" by thinking of what he wants to say words to small sentences appear floating around its body for a few seconds. Mr. Stitchy basically was like an alpha for most of if not, all monsters. Most monsters wanted to be with him, including a gray Pig lady with pitch black eyes, dress, and tears of black liquids. Mr. Stitchy only found this gray pig lady interesting, and he let her become his partner. One day This gray pig lady told Mr. Stitchy her name, Memory.

Together the two of them would torment a little boy named George. and on the day that the two of them were actually going to hurt George, their plans were foiled by a red alien with tentacles and A dinosaur pig hybrid, named Parasee and Dino Piggy. The four of them started fighting each other, Parasee and Dino Piggy vs Mr. Stitchy and Memory. Memory told Mr. Stitchy that Dino Piggy is George's Gardian Angel that exists only to protect George from her, and Mr. Stitchy told memory that Parasee was a space cop that was after him. During the years of repeated exposure, George had caught an illness of sorts called Insolence-itis. George died of lack of sleep while having this illness and so now Mr. Stitchy is kinda linked to George kinda. Parasee and the rest of his race are able to link themselves with the soul of others and so after Dino Piggy and Parasee learned that Mr. Stitchy is linked to George because he caught an illness, Parasee linked himself to George also to help protect him from two monster that would be connected to him at all times.

The Insolence-itis is a disease that has very subtle but strong symptoms. Like hearing things that aren't actually being said or generated, being in close proximity to certain things or places causing a feeling of nausea, or bleeding out of nowhere at random times. Mr. Stitchy can do things like teleporting, getting inside people's head and make them experience hellish, nightmarish hallucinations, and can make deals with others to perform miracles. Mr. Stitchy also exists outside the normal laws of time, space, and all know physics.

Mr. Stitchy's only friend, Tio is about as powerful as Mr. Stitchy himself by a time manipulation stand point and they about the same way at bending space to their will as well. But by a deal making standpoint the two of them are not equals, seeing as how Tio is powerful enough to revive people from the dead entirely and can cure of them of the infection. Mr. Stitchy is not as knowing as Tio is by that standpoint. Mr. Stitchy is a tall son of a bitch at 7'7.

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