Robby Gabriel Dangerfield

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Robby Gabriel Dangerfield is a 19 year old pig man. He was born 1/1/1964, on New Years Day. He is mostly friends with Doggy and Poley because the two of them looked at Robby's old broken model and didn't immediately think he was a monster. Robby broke down a few months before the infection causing his body to slowly rot and waist away with time. After one of the now deceased Mall employees put Robby in one of the back rooms, he stayed there for like up to a year and a half until one day a little mouse girl wearing a pink dress came into the mall at night.

Robby is connected to the security cameras in the mall, he is a security droid after all. That's how he knew this mouse girl was there in the first place. Robby was a very Good man but Robby's robot body wasn't so much. While Robby didn't want to hurt the Mouse girl, his body did and so his robot body's programming made it so that before actually striking, it made it a priority to scare the mess out of the mouse girl, and then hurt her. It made her think that she was being watched but not being able to see by who or what, it would whisper death threats from the security room through the PA system, it would jump in front of her face while making a loud noise causing her to be off her balance. And then after Robby's body got bored of toying with its prey. It decided to attack her legs first so that she couldn't escape, and she couldn't.

It first cut off both her legs and then both her arms, and then it proceeded to make dozens of lacerations across the rest of her body. She didn't even survive having both her legs cut off. Mousy started going through the process of having a seizure as her left leg was in the middle of being amputated, the first leg to go was her right leg. After the deed was done Robby on the inside was hurting like all hell. He never wanted to do any of what he was doing or did. Mans didn't even want to be a security droid in the first place. Robby never even was a robot to start off with. He was a senior in high school about to be a freshman in college. But one night he was at the mall getting some groceries and one of the things he had on his list of things he had to get, led him to the back of the mall, where there was a blind spot in security. Robby was knocked out and kidnapped from the Mall.

Robby woke up hours later strapped down to an operating table his arms were strapped down by his sides, legs were as straight as boards. And his head was strapped down as well, with the most stuff. Straps covered his forehead and his jaw and they were both tight as hell, he wasn't able to move a single bit. He tried shaking loose but it was no use, and he couldn't try screaming, he was gagged with tape so he could make noise but not really make any intelligent sounds. The only thing that wasn't covered was Robby's eyes.

He was in a dark room until a few minutes later, where a hella bright light shined directly onto him making him shut his eyes to help adjust his vision. A few seconds after his vision fixated a mole man in a lab coat that looked to be at least twice Robby's age looked down at Robby. The mole man was saying stuff like how much he was going to hurt Robby. And the longer this one way conversation continued, the more scared Robby got. After a bit of talking, the mole man pulls out what looks to be like a giant box cutter looking thing. The mole man presses a button on the side of the contraption and it makes sounds similar to like a chainsaw.

Robby was scared out of his mind that he started throwing up. Vomit Irrupting from his mouth and covering most of his face. Tears are now beaming down Robby's face. And then finally, while still awake and conscious the mad mole man lowers the box cutter thing on Robby's throat slowly, Robby begins screaming, yelling, shaking in fear. Robby starts choking on his own blood slowly and painfully dying. The Mole Man, watched as he severed the Head off Robby's shoulders. As this was going on the mole man shed tears not wanting to do what he was doing but knew he had to.

Many many hours later Robby wakes up once more, he can't feel anything, he still can't move. Everything except his head was still unable to move, Robby remembers the traumatic experience he just had to live through and looks down towards his neck meet to see what happened. He was shocked beyond description. He looks down only to a body that's not his. He sees an all dark gray shiny frame where his old organic body used to be. He looks up seeing the operating table he was just stuck to. Robby could hear walking from somewhere, he once again tries to move and manages to budge a small bit. The door to the dark room swings open and Robby once again sees the mole man. He walks over to Robot Robby and he removes the restraints on him. Moving him from the wall he was sitting against. Robby manages to look at a very large screen that had turned on at the detection of movement. He saw a mostly blue screen but also some curves and drawings of white on screen as well, Robby took the best look he could at the image on screen and noticed that the white lines on screen made a picture of a pig robot that looked exactly like Robby. "I know your awake" Robby hears coming from extremely near by. "I know your wandering what in the world is going on, so I'll elaborate" "I have kidnapped you from the store, I was tasked to turn an unsuspecting soul into a machine in order to enhance physical abilities of normal organic people." That, Robby is why I kidnapped you, made you suffer something akin to a slow painful demise, and turned you into what I think I can safely assume you've already seen."

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