+・𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠

705 27 4


shoyo glided over to tobio's desk as the bell rang, hoping this time the boy would agree to come to practice.

"tobio, you coming to practice?"

"no, i'm busy today."

"you're always busy now, c'mon just come to practice!"

"shoyo i said no, i can't today, maybe tomorrow."

"fine then, do what you want!"

shoyo huffed while grabbing his bag and walking out the door, leaving tobio to pack up himself.

slowly closing the classroom door, tobio sighed. he wanted to go to practice more than anything, but ridding himself of the voice that over took his mind while on the court was more important. the halls were empty and the only thing that could be heard were tobio's hurried foot steps, until a familiar voice called out.



"where are you going? the gym's that way."

"i have something to do this evening."

"you can fool the short idiot but not me, so tell me what's really happening."

"i'll go to practice tomorrow."

"you said that weeks ago. you either skip the whole thing or you're leaving before half the time passes by. hell, the first years are starting to think you quit the team!"

"what if i did, y'know, quit."

"tobio what are you saying?!"

"kei, let's be honest here, i really don't fit in, the first years are scared of me, the second years don't even see me as a teammate, and you guys are much better leaders. i'd be better off helping yachi or something.."

kei processed this information slowly, it was surreal, the words he just heard seemed so untrue.

"come to practice today! tobio, please?"

"i'll prove you wrong, everything you just said, just please come to practice."

tobio frowned at the blondes determination, there really was no saying no.

"and if everything i said is proven to be true?"

"tobio, we'll work on that, just please c'mon."

"fine. but if this goes wrong it's all your fault. and shoyo's"

"what did shoyo do this time?"


it was implied that they're third years. actually punching air, i hate this one.

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