5.) first day and a day without a izuku

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3rd person P.O.V


Aimi was excited. She was able to enter her dream school. This is like a dream come true. Now she was walking in the hallway looking for her class. As she was walking she accidentally bump into a boy with a blonde hair and a cartoonish look.
Aimi:"I'm so sorry! I don't mean to."
???:"it's alright. Hey aren't you the kid who scored the highest in the entrance exam?"
Aimi:"yeah it's me. Um can you please help me? I got lost."
???:"ah, if you're looking for your class you just need to go there."-the boy then point towards the first year building.
Aimi:"thank you so much."-she then run toward the area where he point. When she open the door of her class she was met with the bokugo twins arguing with a boy wearing the glasses.
???:"please put your feet off the table. You're being disrespectful towards the school."-he said while doing his weird hand chopping.
Katsuki:"what did you say extra?!
???:"I'm sorry it seem that I haven't introduse myself. I'm tenya Lida from the somei highschool.
Katsumi:"an elite huh. We're going to have fun crushing you.
Lida:"are sure? Becouse what you are saying is not very heroic."-Aimi just straight up ignore them not wanting and walk to her desk. Later a girl with blonde hair and a set of candy can twins enter the classroom. Aimi recognise them as Izumi, izuku's step-sister and the todoroki twins. They were having a conversation but was interrupted by a tired looking caterpillar. He introduce himself as their teacher. He then told them to go to the field.


After a few minutes the whole class had arrive.
Aizawa:"you're all late. We need to work on that later. Anyway, today I we will do a comprehension test. Now."-he then throw a ball towards katsumi.-"katsuki bokugo you got the highest score in your middle school. Now I want you to throw the ball using your quirk."-bokugo grin when he heard that. He can finally show them that he is better than them. He walk towards the cycle.
Bokugo:"dieeee!!!"-he scream while using his quirk to throw the ball.
Aizawa:"good you had score 700 meter."-everyone was impressed by him except aimi.-"now, sakura. It's your turn."-she then the give the ball to Aimi. Aimi just simply walk towards the cycle and throw the ball. Thanks to her training with Jack in the last month she was able to increase her strength. Aizawa was grinning nonstop when saw her result. He then show them the result which resulting everyone gasp.
Mina:"2-2000 meter?"
Momo:"she must have an enhancement quirk."
Aizawa:"wrong her quirk isn't an enhancement type. Her true quirk is call destruct. It allow her to destroy anything that she touches."-he explain. Some of her classmates look at her with awe meanwhile some or should I say one person look at her with disgust.
Katsuki:"why the hell did they allow a villain into the school!"
Kirishima:"bakubro, that's unmanly of you. Just because she had a 'villainous'quirk doesn't mean that she is a villain."
Katsuki:"shut up you extra!"
Aimi:"if a quirk defies a person, then what about you?"
Katsuki:"what did you say villain?"
Aimi:"I mean your quirk is a literall explosion. Doesn't that make you a terrorist!"
Katsuki:you bastard, I'll kill you!"-he run at her and tried to use his quirk. Aizawa who sees this was about to use his capture clothes when suddenly


A gunshot was heard. Katsuki scream in pain as a bullet went through his arm. Everyone wasn't able to comprehend what was happening. Then a man with greyish hair wearing a black clothes walk towards them holding a gun. The students were confused as how can the man enter their school ground. He clearly is not a school staff. Aizawa however was terrified. He knew who the man was. And he know how dangerous he is. There is only one thing that he can think of.
Aizawa:'what is he doing here?.'-he thought as his leg tremble. Both tokoyomi and asui's animal instinct is telling them to run. Nezu who had been watching from the CCTV camera was scared. Nezu, tokoyomi and asui's wasn't seeing a man. No, they were seeing a huge snake. The man who we known as jack then walk towards Aimi and pat her head.
Jack:"so how is you first day of school?"-he ask as Aimi smile.
Aimi:"so far so good."- even if they had know each other she was already like a sister to him. Jack then look at a certain derection and give a thumbs up. Everyone was confused at why he was doing so. Aimi however know who he give a thumbs up to. It must be Izuku. She then wave at the direction that Jack had look at.
Aimi:"so how's your mission?"
Jack:"well, it was a dead end. But we do have gain an information about a new group of villain called the league of villain. But it was nothing to worry about. Well, look at the time. It seems I had to go now." He then walk away leaving the scene.
Aizawa/Nezu:'what the hell.'-they thought terrified as they saw one of their student just casually talking with one of the most ruthless underground hero of America.

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