11.) Villain At U.S.J

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Izuku stare at the huge house in front of him. Though castle is what it deserves to be called. A small yet beautiful hand touch his shoulder. Izuku look behind him and see his adopted mother Erin.

"Hey, Izuku. What is the matter?." Erin ask.

"N-nothing. J-just shock that the house is huge." He stutter.

Erin chuckle.

"Well come in. I'm surr that our butler had cook a dinner for us." Erin says carrying her son.

Flashback end.

Aimi stare at her boyfriend's sleeping face. His hair that is as white as snow and his face that is handsome just captivate her. Some might say that he was an angel descent from heaven. And she might even thought that he is if they haven't met.

As she was staring at him she did not notice Izuku's left arm suddenly hugging her trapping her in his embrace. Her face was now on his chest making her blush.

"H-hey!." She tried to get out from her boyfriend's embrace. "Keyword she tried". The more she tried to escape the more Izuku hug her tightly.

"Hey! Let me go!." She plead.

"Oh come on~ I know you like it~." Izuku says in a seductive tone smirking. Aimi blush even more.

Suddenly the table turn. Instead of fighting back Aimi start to put her hand inside Izuku's shirt. His shirt was halfway off revealing his abs that is filled with muscles.

Izuku who was not expecting this quickly let Aimi go. Aimi who had seen this coming lay on top of her boyfriend.

"Oh how the table had turned." She says with a smirk unbuttoning her shirt.

Izuku gulp knowing what will happen.


Aimi regret it. She shouldn't had do it with her boyfriend that night. Now she had a terrible day. It was probably the worst day that she had ever experienced. First she somehow wasn't able to walk properly and secondly she was late to class.

She was lecture by Aizawa who was clearly pissed. Saying that they would leave her if she were a few seconds late.

"Sakura, I would sometimes ask things that come across my mind so I hope you don't mind." Her classmate ask. It was a girl with frog like appearance tsuyu asui. "By the way please call me tsu."

"Sure go ahead." Aimi said still sleepy.

"Who was the man that appear with you on the first day?." Ask asui still scared remembering the first time the man just came out of nowhere and proceed to shoot one of her classmates.

(A/N: It you're wondering from which chapter you can check chapter 5.)

Her conversation had attract the attention of most of her classmates. Including katsuki who was still pissed at the man who had shoot his arm. Yes he had to agree that it was his fault literally trying to kill her classmates. (A/N: who is also the future wife of one of the strongest hero and the future daughter-in-law of the former symbol of fear may I add.) But shooting him out of nowhere is rude. For his logic that is.

"Oh you mean jack? He's a Pro Hero from America. He and my boyfriend was sent to Japan for a mission but sorry it was classified." She explain.

"Wait, so you're telling me that some guy who is a Pro Hero just easily break into U.A who had one of the strongest defence system?." Ask Denki Impressed.

"Man so manly!. I'm sure that he had a powerful quirk." Said Kirishima with his fist high up in the air causing Aimi to spit her nonexistent milk.

"Aimi are you alright?." Ask Izumi patting her back.

"Yeah I'm fine. It just Kirishima how do I say this. Actually Jack is quirkless." Aumi explain.

The whole class was now quite including Aizawa who was listening to their conversation. A man. A quirkless man just easily break into their school, shoot one of their strongest classmates, have a nice chat with the most beautiful woman on the class and leave.

"Hahaha. That is a good joke Aimi." Mina says trying to hold her laugh.

"No, I'm not joking. Unlike Japan where discrimination towards the quirkless are high U.S.A had low rate of quirkless discrimination. Even then it took all the other discrimination such race and and quirks discrimination for it to be as high as Japan's." Aimi explain.

"But I don't think a quirkless should become a hero. They'll only end up becoming a liability. Maybe they can choose other carriers such as being a police, and so on." Says Lida handchopping.

However he receive a glare from Aimi. He flinch because this is the first time she was like this.

"Tell me Lida, what are you without your quirk?." She ask still glaring at him.

"Excuse me?." Question Lida confuse.

"I'm asking you what are without your quirk?." She ask again. "Just because someone is quirkless doesn't mean that they are powerless." The moment she saud those words a particular Izumi and the Bakugo twins flinch. Meanwhile the Todoroki twins was still busy with their secret love child theory not hearing a single thing that happens inside the bus. There is even a huge pyramid hat on their head.

"Instead in my opinion, they are stronger because they still choose to live even when your stupid society look down on them." She says still glaring.

"Alright class I know that you still want to have a chat but we're arrived so everyone get out!." Aizawa shout activating his quirk.

The whole class quickly exit the bus with Aimi at the last. The whole class were met with a huge stadium that had a different zone for different types of natural disasters. From earthquake, landslide to even tsunami. Just say it.

"Hello class, it seem that you have arrived." The class heard he voice of someone that they had never heard. They all look behind them and see Green Magnet and the space hero: thirteen.

"Oh my god! It's the Pro Hero thirteen!." Said Toru and Uraraka fan girling.

"Hello class. Some of you might had know me as the Pro Hero Thirteen. I'll be your instructor for your rescue training for the next three years." Thirteen said waving at them.

"Where is All Might?." Ask Aizawa who notice that the symbol of peace wasn't there. Instead of answering Thirteen and Green Magnet rise two of their fingers.

"That man isn't the symbol of peace, he's the symbol of irresponsibility and neglect." Mumble Aizawa not wanting the whole class to hear what he said.

"Wow, this building look just like a theme park!." Shout Mina.

"But I'm still Marvelous." Said Aoyama looking at the readers.

"Heck! They even had a fake Villains!." Shiut Kirishima pointing at a swirling black mist. From it come an army of villains. There are about 50 of them. But the most noticeable of them is a man with blue hair who had various hands covering his entire body, a man made out of mist and three huge humanoid figure with bird head.

"Thirteen, Green Magnet! Protect the students. Those aren't fake, they are real." Said Aizawa readying his capture scarf.

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