Chapter 6 - Anna

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I completely avoided eye contact, If I looked at him after he said that... I would melt. Like seriously past all the weird old fossils and just be gone, deep into the ground.

Butterflies slowly crept up my stomach, leaving a silly feeling of nerves. I totally forgot that I had to keep control of the dance but somehow Leo was doing a good job of leading it, so I didn't look like a total idiot.

one step
two step
three step

"What are you doing?" His voice startled me out of my concentration. "Uhm what do you mean?" Oh god he heard me. "Your whispering to yourself..."

"Oh oops... I didn't realize" I tried to keep my head down when he lifted his hand from my waist and nudged my chin upwards.

It was gentle and caring and sweet and cute and oh my god I'm gonna go insane if I keep thinking like this.

Alright Belle just maintain eye contact, not too hard right? Right?

"Belle, what's running through that pretty little head of yours?"

I didn't want to explain just yet what was going through my brain so I shook my head lightly at him and put my head down.

Listening to the slow melody of the band. "Anna, Anna is that you?"


"You were just a quick fuck Anna, it just extended to an extra 2 months of wasting my life on you!"

Tears were streaming down my face, my life couldn't get any worse than this... He reached over to the table and picked up a glass. Please help. "Worthless piece of shit" he muttered under his breath. I winced with every glass he threw ruthlessly against the wall.

one glass
two glass
three glass

I couldn't hold in what I thought would be a silent cry, he looked towards the bed as soon as I made a sound, I tried to find that last sliver of good in his eyes. Maybe a little bit of remorse? Some regret? Neither.

They were totally empty as if he was put under a spell. All the emotion had disappeared from those sea blue eyes. Once filled with what I thought to be love. It was all fake.

He stared at me

one second

two seconds

three seconds

He looked away as if I was something he hated looking at, something broken or damaged. Yet he was holding the hammer.

This image I had created of our future, all of it just disappeared, gone, floated away as if it was never there to begin with.

He had stripped me bare of my virginity.. He took my virginity and threw it in the dirt, buried  it in the ground and ensured I would never see it again.

I wanted to save myself for marriage..

He took that away from me, something that was so important to me. Please please forgive me.

He had finally gotten me where he wanted and discarded me like a piece of rubbish.

If only I had taken the opportunity to free myself. But I chose to believe in some God that would magically save me from the cruelty, from the abuse, from... him.

"You have no substance"

"You were just a quick fuck Anna"

"Worthless piece of shit"

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