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"Baby wake up"

"No" I groan while turning around

"Angel you need to get up right now" he said while shaking me.

"Why?" I mumbled into the pillow.

"Get up now Lydia" he said and I got up.

He pulled me out of the bed and I looked around as I came to my senses.

"Let's go" he said while pulling me to the door.

"Where are we going" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"Shh" he whispered while taking the gun from his waistband.

"Valerio" I said and he started screwing something on to his gun.

We saw someone exiting his office and he shot them. I grabbed on to his hands and he started walking to the person.

He rolled them before pulling off the mask.

"Shit" he cursed before my grabbing wrist.

"The twins" I said as we were about to walk pass their door.

"Valeria got them out already now I need to get you somewhere safe" he said before a group of guys came up the stairs. They all had on masks.

Valerio opened a door before pushing me inside. I fell on my butt and he closed the door before I heard shots firing.

I went the door but I was too scared to open it. It soon opened and I stepped back.

"Baby let's go" Valerio said

"Your bleeding" I said while looking at his leg

"It's not my blood" he lied


"Lydia let's go" he said and I took his hand.

We went to the second floor where we met with Yurmi

"Your going with Yurmi" Valerio said.

"Your coming with us"

"Of course just not right now"


"Angel go. I love you" he said before we heard footsteps coming our way.

"Go Yurmi" Valerio said and Yurmi grabbed my wrist

"Valerio please-" I said and Yurmi started pulling me away.

Valerio started walking to the staircase and Yurmi started running as he pulled along.

We heard shots and I looked back and he stepped back before dropping forward. He fell down the stairs and I went weak

"Valerio" I screamed and Yurmi lifted me up.

"No" I screamed as he carried me to a room. Tears streaming down my cheeks as the image of him falling down the stairs flash through my eyes. I felt numb I didn't know how to react.

Is he dead

He locked the door before placing me down. He shoved a couple furniture behind the door before pulling to another door.

It was a private elevator.

We went inside and I zoned out


Valerio // 18+|| book 1Where stories live. Discover now