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"Come on Valerio it would be fun" Carter said over the phone, he was on speaker.

"I can't face her okay" Valerio said and I raised a brow.

"Come on please" Carter begged as Valerio continued running his hands up and down my thighs since I was sitting on his lap.

"No-" Valerio started but was cut off.

"We'll see you soon" Carter said before hanging up

Valerio let out a sigh before laying back down.

"He really want you to go" I said and he closed his eyes.

"If I go I'll see my sister plus we're here to enjoy our honeymoon"

"Your sister?"


"I didn't know you had another siblings apart from Valeria" I said

"Yea her name is Valicia"

It then hit me. I didn't know alot of things about my husband

"Is seeing her that bad" I asked and he opened his eyes.

"It is since I almost killed her" he said and I traced his tattoo on his chest.

"It was the night our father was murdered by her boyfriend. She was dating the son of our father's rival. She thought he loved her but he was just using her to get close to my father and I. When my father found out who he was he band her from seeing him. And you know young love made her ran away to be with him"

"Three weeks later we were attacked by our rivals and to make it worst she was there with them. She attacked me while her boyfriend attacked our father" he stopped before lifting be off him. He got up and grabbed a cigar.

"She was my little sister so I wasn't going to fight back, instead I tried blocking her attacks as if we were in training. When her boyfriend managed to stab our father multiple times I grabbed her before shoving her away, she tripped and fell over the rails. Before I could do anything she was already on the ground in her own blood"

"Obviously she survived but the bad thing was..." He paused before lighting his cigar.

"She was pregnant and she lost the baby so you see I can never face her" he said while walking to the balcony.


"It's time for lunch" he said and I knew he just wanted to end the conversation.

He didn't like been emotional so I understand

"Okay I'll go get dress then" I said and he gave me a small smile.

I got dress before we exited our hotel room.

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Valerio // 18+|| book 1Where stories live. Discover now