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“Valicia don't” I said as she was about to draw her own gun.

“Perché cazzo sei qui Valicia?” Valeria asked while glaring at Valicia

(Why the fuck are you here)

“Quello che sei tornato per uccidere il resto di noi è quello?” she continued and Valicia looked down at her hands.

(What you came back to kill the rest of us, is that it?)

“Valeria stop” I said and she looked at me.

“Are you sure you got back all your memories Valerio because I don't think you did” she said.

“She’s our little sister Valeria-”

“Sì, la stessa sorella che ha aiutato a uccidere nostro padre”

(Yeah the same sister that helped to kill our father)

“I wish I can take it back but I can't. People make mistakes and I understand that I made a very big one and to pay the price I had to lose everything including you. I'm so sorry Valeria” Valicia said and Valeria looked at her.

“Do not say my name" Valeria said

“Your my older sister-”

“Your nothing to me Valicia”

“Babe-” Taylor started

“I wished you had died when you had fallen over those rails” she said

“She doesn't mean that” I said

“Yes I do”

“No you don't” I said while looking at her.

“This really wasn't a good idea” Valicia said and tears ran down her cheeks.

“Your damn right”

“Let's go Carter” she said and before they could walked away Aria got up.

“Bad aunty bad, bad, bad aunty” Aria said to Valeria before walking towards Valicia.

“Don’t cry or you'll have puffy eyes” she said and Valicia wiped her eyes.

“I’m Ariana” she said as Valicia looked down at her

“Your suppose to tell me your name now” she said when Valicia only stared at her and didn't say anything.

“I’m Valicia” she said with a small smile.

“Do you know my daddy?” she asked while pointing at me.

“Yes I do” Valicia said and Aria took her hand.

“Ok great. You should sit next to me” she said before pulling Valicia to the table.

“Excuse me daddy” she said and I moved from my chair.

“Sit here” she said

“Don’t be shy” she added and Valicia sat down.

“Oh and this is mom and my twin brother Lorenzo” she said while pointing at Lydia and Lorenzo.

Valicia smiled at Lydia

“Hey” she said

“Hello” Lorenzo said

“Can you please sit down” I said and Damon, Taylor and Tyler sat down.

“No I can't” Valeria said Carter took a seat.

Valerio // 18+|| book 1Where stories live. Discover now