Monster inside us~

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You can be the light in my shadows, while also being the poison of my laughter. I know you. Better than anyone else in this world. You are the one that hurt me. Broke my heart over and over again. The one that gave me these 'feelings' and the one that could take them away just as fast. You made me care, made me cry, made me become the you I am now, you've torn me apart. You've made it impossible to love you or accept you. Made me believe that you're not worthy of being loved, even of being alive. You're a liar, but most of all to yourself. You have given me thoughts that almost ended me, but I'm not a killer. I'm you and you're me. Myself. I'm sorry. I can't stop hating you. I tried to stop, but.. what if people are able to truly hate someone, but also love them just as much? And when we accept that 'love', maybe one day we'll be able to let go of the hatred that has infected our bodies. Our poison, our pain, our tears. They are the drugs we give to our soul. There's no antidote, no cure. What we can do is soften everything. This is called 'peace'. The peace we give to our hearts, our mind, our everything. The light we need to fight against you. I'm not the monster that I believed I was. We can work together, you're a part of me and I'm a part of you. One day, if you can give me all that light, I'm willing to drink all of your poison. So one day, I can make an immunity against it. You won't be able to break me anymore. I've lost that monster. Or did I just accept it and now it's a part of me? Maybe the monster inside us gives us the possibility to feel happiness. We can only know what true happiness is, if we have ever felt unhappy. Same thing with sadness. We can only know joy if we've known sadness. It's like that with a lot of things. We need our monster. We need 'you'. But you're NOT enough. We need our light too, so we won't get poisoned to the point we're feelings like 'hope' disappear. We need each other. Day after day, you and me. Until we are one.

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