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The voices that speak, say less than the voices that stay quiet. That's a lesson I learned throughout the years. Be quiet, they told me. 'If you talk there will be trouble.' 'Do not cause a scene.' 'Just stay quiet, it will be over way faster like that!' 'Why are you always reacting?!' Speak louder, others said. 'Why isn't she saying anything?' 'Is she stupid?' 'I think she has no idea what's going on..' Yes. No. What do you want me to do? Do I need to shut my mouth or can I speak? I heard you. Everything.. But I don't know how to react to it. I have all these words in my head, all these things I want to say, but they're stuck there. I'm not boring.. At least that's what I hope. I'm sorry, they wanted me to be quiet. I couldn't, now I need to bear it. He's speaking, it's not my fault. He's yelling, yeah that's definitely my fault. I couldn't be quiet, but I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry for being human, I'm not a robot. I can't always be quiet whenever something is going wrong. I need to defend myself.. but do they even deserve it? Do they deserve the words we give them? Their opinion won't change. It doesn't matter what we say or what we do. In their eyes we couldn't be right in the first place, so why bother? In the end of the day, being quiet wasn't so bad after all.

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