The way people are losing~

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Can I watch you, or will you think I'm creepy? How do I look, am I pretty enough? What can I do? I'm so bored. I feel so tired.. Am I supposed to laugh at this or isn't it meant as a joke? I can go for a run but I feel so tired.. Maybe I can watch a movie or something to kill some time. I should do something useful.. but how. HOW. I can't. Or can I? I feel so tired. Are you talking to me? I'm sorry I didn't hear you. Oh there was a question? Can you repeat that for me please.
You said I wasn't paying attention? No I'm probably just stupid but I understand what you're saying. It's ok. No, we're good. No, I'm not angry?! I'm just really tired, I couldn't sleep because of school. Why didn't I plan ahead? Oh that's just because I'm someone who does procrastination. It's in my nature. No, I'm not sad, I'm just really really tired. What's that? I only see a monster. Why would you show me this?! You know how I feel about pictures.. No, I'm not overreacting. I'm not. Sorry. I didn't want to be an attention seeker. I just hate pictures of myself. I hate it. I hate myself. I hate.. no. Stop. Stop making excuses. Look at yourself! Why would you hate her? That girl in the photo. What did she ever do to make you hate her like that? Every inch of your body wants her to change, to be different. You think that's normal? You think you're normal? If she was your best friend would you want to treat her like that? Imagine she's another person. Look at her. What kind of a human are you if you think that's a monster. Oh so now you pity her? STOP! Breathe. Go to her. Say she's not alone. Tell her she looks pretty today. Say that she's enough. Tell her that she's worthy of love. She won't believe you though. People won't believe you. Why? You are losing. Even if you think you're trying. They are losing, do you think they're not trying? You're so tired. I know. Where is the hope in that? Go to your mirror and say these words 'I'm enough'. Be quiet. No. Say them again. 'I'm enough'. LOUDER! 'I'm enough'. Again. 'I'm.. enough!'. You can't even believe yourself! If you can't believe that you're enough, why would anyone else do it? Stop. Let me finish. Look better. Separate them. Think the girl in the mirror is your friend. Now look at her again. Do you think your friend is ugly? You truly believe that? Breathe. Look again. Find something beautiful, maybe it's because she's not perfect? Find that flaw.. Now accept that flaw. It's her. She's asking you to accept her. To even, maybe one day, love her. People. Different flaws, different bodies, different everything. Everything is different but still the same. We're all humans. We are.. alL.. humans. You're not perfect, you can't be. I think she's beautiful. You are beautiful. I'm more than a body and I'm enough. We are worthy of love. Now love yourself. She deserves it. Love her. Do you understand me? I get it. You're not alone.
I believe you.

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