Missing pieces~

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Filling up the missing pieces, finding our story. It's harder than it looks. We're not broken, or else we wouldn't be here. We all just need a little 'fixing' sometimes. Some of us more than others, that's a fact. I think we're all lonely in a way. We're a part of something bigger than us, a universe. It doesn't end, and so does our thinking. Everyday we make decisions, good ones and bad ones. We fall, we stand up, fall again, we rise. Until our feet are too tired to even walk. But if we never walk, we also never fall. We'll just.. stand still. Time will fade and so will opportunities. A dark place, have you been there? It's the one place where time CAN stop. I'm a romantic, that's for sure, but am I a realist? No. A leader? Definitely not. Then what am I? Ask that to yourself. It's ok if you don't have an answer yet. The first step is the very first thing people were trained to do, 'think'. If you keep doing that you'll get somewhere. Our thinking is our way to walk. Now it's getting dangerous.. cuz now we CAN fall. But now we can also stand up again and learn. Until we found all our missing pieces and our story makes more sense. It hasn't been written before, that's what makes it special. Guess you better start writing then..  

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