woah guys look i actually wrote something wow

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[published 03.31.15]

Um.. hey. I'm not going to pretend that my inactivity is excusable, because it isn't. I will, however, defend my Wattpad absence with the stress of all honor's courses in high school, the stress of choir, and the other forms of miscellaneous stress that come in an unholy bundle with being fourteen. I would, however, like to apologize for my actual uselessness in responding to your comments and keeping you guys updated. Though I haven't actively published anything since last November, (keep in mind that it is now the last day of March, it's been five months) I've noticed that you lovely readers keep clicking that "follow" button and signing up for updates from me that will most likely never come. I thank you for this. So, I feel as though I'm obligated to update you on what's been going on for the last five months.

I've been slogging through school, you know how it is. High school is most definitely a drag, though it has it's silver linings. I've gotten by. But I'm sure that you already know how arduous the task of waking up and dragging yourself to seven (eight, in my case) hours of monotone teachers telling you things you will memorize and then immediately forget is. You're aware, so I'll spare you that.

So, concerts. Recently, I attended a concert for a band I love very much, Set It Off. I met Maxx, the drummer, and it was overall really nice. Other acts preforming at that concert were ROAM, Against the Current, and AS IT IS, all of which were fantastic. Very punk, very loud, very amazing.

In other stupid news, I've recently managed to unlock all 72 of the currently available characters in Crossy Road, which is a personal achievement in my book. I don't know, nothing else has really happened. I play minecraft on occasion, and I devote an unhealthy amount of my time to learning trivial information from Game Theory that I can use to attract any and all geeks within thirty feet of me.

That's really it. I haven't done much, which is why I'm here. I want to write. I want something to write about. So, considering my follower-base is growing, I'd like to do a little something. Suggest me things. I want to write about something. I really do. Give me a prompt. I want to write. Help me out here.

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