kpop word vomit 2k19

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[published 08.25.19]

idek what this really is y'all i'm just thinkin about stuff that's kpop related and wanted to get it all out so here we are,,, i'm just gonna list some stuff off i guess,,, let's get it

thingy one: i have One (1) emotional support kpop vocalist
aight so a group i've newly stanned in oneus and like,,, fu c k??? they are so cool and i love them so much—! i am highkey god's biggest seoho stan and that is first and foremost bc his voice,,,, makes me,,, melt,, EVERY TIME HE SINGS. i've actually never really heard a kpop idol sing live before and been like "dam,, i like this more than their prerecorded vocals on their albums" but BITCH???? uuuugh seoho goes apeshit every time he sings. i started stanning from the weekly idol ep with ateez and when he and keonhee sung the iu cover and i fucking heard seoho's voice like,,, my stomach got all tight and i felt like i was gonna cry and like FUCK no vocalist has ever had this power over me before!! there are other vocalists with way better technique for sure but i just really like seoho's timbre and literally every time he sings live i wanna cry and i fucking love him,,, pls stan oneus they are good boys (also they did a legendary cover of rv's bad boy pls love it a lot)

thingy two: there IS a god and she said stan pentagon
there's not much to this really i just finally actually began to stan pentagon after knowing about them and loving literally all of their songs for like three years, i've known all the members' names since forever ago and mostly i just learned them peripherally, like i never sat down and watched a guide video or anything, but i knew who they all were, and fuckin finally when humph! came out i could no longer resist their endless musical charm and i stan now,,, i bias kino and hui we out here

thingy three: a thing abt pentagon tho
ok like i don't want anyone to take this the wrong way but i really like the music pentagon has made without e'dawn more than what they made when he was in the group, generally speaking. like i don't think e'dawn made the group worse or anything like that, far from it, he's lovely, i just think that hui has grown a lot since e'dawn left and learned a lot more about music and as such the stuff he's been producing lately really fucking bumps? it's correlation, not causation yknow? when groups have self-producing members they tend to get better at it with time and make better music so it just kinda makes sense that their songs would improve as cube gives hui more control of the group's discography. also since e'dawn was definitely the face of the group, i guess without him the other members have more opportunities to stand out instead of cube focusing very heavily on e'dawn in promotions and screen time in mvs and stuff. again i love e'dawn to death and him being kicked out fucking sucks, for him and for the rest of pentagon, i just think musical growth naturally comes with time so that's why their music has improved a lot in my eyes.

thingy four: did day6 literally just put out the best mini-album known to man? more at eleven
they really fuckin went and did it y'all omfg
ok so like i've been a myday since shoot me (i slept for so long i know :/ oof) but i have a thing where i don't really like slow music a lot of the time? idk how to explain it really but like slow music and ballads and stuff, i can appreciate them and ik they're beautiful and all that but i'm never really one to sit down and listen to them, so that's a lot of day6's discography that i just couldn't really get into? but recently i have gone through and listened to every single one of their songs several times (including the underrated bangers of the day6 unlock album), so i can say with total confidence that the book of us: gravity is my favorite ep they've ever released. like ok time of our life is a banger but have y'all HEARD the b-sides?? there is literally a whole how to love on this ep,,, a near-perfect song!!! cover!!! a beautiful power ballad for the century!!! a fucking awesome concert-ender, best part? the entirety of for me, a gorgeous, mid-tempo romp about knowing and loving yourself??? and if i may,,, my favorite day6 song of them all, a reggae-influenced, fun song about missing your youth entitled wanna go back, where dowoon sings almost unaccompanied???? they fuckin outdid themselves with this ep and i listen to it every day and congrats on their first win after FOREVER and stan day6

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