thirteen facts tag!

61 2 7

[published 12.24.17]

hey! thanks so much to jiminiums for tagging me— be sure to check her out!

*tag 20 people or less*

1. i'm a cat person over a dog person, i have two cats who i love very much

2. i am a huge choir nerd, i sing first soprano (the highest part) in the two choirs i'm in at school

3. my favorite video games are the pokémon and ratchet & clank series, since they were the first real games I played

4. i can kinda play the piano but i'm very shitty at it

5. sometimes i get a feeling of déjà vu when i'm seeing something i know has never happened before (is this a thing, or am i insane? pls send help)

6. the only tv series i've ever watched to completion is stargate: atlantis (it's really good, y'all should watch it), but i'm about to finish stranger things 2, so then i'll have finished two shows. go me!

7. i'm from the same town as jake and logan paul and i will never cease to be ashamed of this fact

8. autumn is my favorite season

9. up until last year math was my least favorite class, but then i started taking calculus and now it's like my second favorite (behind english)

10. i'm "talk-too-much-awkward," like instead of being really quiet to make conversations weird i just kinda keep talking and don't stop ever

11. the first book i ever read by myself was a nonfiction book about mushrooms (idek man, i literally have no answers for you)

12. i think the cello is the best instrument ever invented

13. i think i'm gonna major in psychology in college but honestly who knows, anything can happen

now, i'm gonna tag the usual suspects, blueberry_jams and zaraxlelouche !! don't feel obligated to do it if you don't want to, or if you already have! thanks!

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