tagged again! incredible!

52 2 2

[published 03.27.18]

thanks to LUSTGGUK for tagging me in this little q&a thing! there was a little photo to go with it but i'm just gonna answer the questions lmao— let's go!

1. do you have a crush?
   ↳ big nope lmao

2. middle name?
   ↳ oof i said this in a different tag but it's valeria and i kinda hate it

3. height?
   ↳ 5'5" but like barely

4. eye color?
   ↳ green!

5. last time you cried?
   ↳ oh hell idk, maybe like three weeks or a month ago? i have hella senioritis so nothing stresses me out anymore bc i don't care about anything

6. biggest fear?
   ↳ fake answer: drowning. real answer: being forgotten, but like, right after i die since like eventually we're all gonna be forgotten anyway haH

7. last song you listened to?
   ↳ i'm listening to something by tvxq rn so

8. last person you texted?
   ↳ my friend norah whom i love so much

9. favorite app?
   ↳ ok so like i never use the youtube app but that website's where i spend all of my time so i'm counting it

10. tags:
   ↳ it says to tag 20 people but i'm not doing that lmao

blueberry_jams -snailolyn jiminiums NonVerbaSedFacta KurokoTetsuya

don't feel obligated to do the tag if you've done it already or if you don't want to! thanks again for tagging me!

p.s. doni and coni are leaving weekly idol and tbh i've never been sadder

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