more nct lineart but this time as a coping mechanism

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[published 08.29.18]

what's up gang college really sucks and i am here to talk about more of my nct lineart as a way to distract myself from how lonely i am currently feeling it's lit

this time i did the touch concept photos because they were hard and because my dumbass craved death earlier this summer when i was working on them haaaaaa

i'm also gonna be posting these in the order that i actually did them instead of age order like i normally do so enough bullshit let's move

[ j o h n n y   s e o ]

   i did johnny's before i had any intention of doing all of these as a series, and y'know, it's iffy

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   i did johnny's before i had any intention of doing all of these as a series, and y'know, it's iffy. one of the fun things about this set, though, is that i started finally using the feathered brush to do hair so it doesn't look as bad. of course, this was my first piece ever using that brush, so it's still a little messy, but it was a fun challenge to work around the text and legal script and stuff all over, which is why i decided to do the rest of the concept photos. as you'll see later, though, i got in a little over my head lmao

[ m a r k   l e e ]

   mark's was second!! his was easier because i didn't have to work around any text— the placement of things just lended itself to me only having to actually do the foreground

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   mark's was second!! his was easier because i didn't have to work around any text— the placement of things just lended itself to me only having to actually do the foreground. i did have to color-correct this one though, since mark's shirt is extremely purple in the mv and irl (for anyone that's seen the "it's all about interaction, we gotta be social" clip, it's the same shirt) but in this picture it came out really blue, so i had to tweak it a bit. but the hair looks better and overall i'm happy with it (still don't think it was as good as my we young one tho hahahahahahahaaaaaaAAAAA)

[ d o n g   s i c h e n g ]

[ d o n g   s i c h e n g ]

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