trying to remember my anime phase

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[published 08.15.18]

hey so, as is the case for like 80% of kpop fans, i had an anime phase once when i was in middle school. for eighth grade and the beginning of freshman year, anime was my shit. i watched a lot of it all in the span of like six months, then i kinda gave up because everything i was watching was between arcs. now, though, since i'm literally about to start college and i'm also becoming a bit more interested in revisiting anime and watching it more (and since i've already started watching my hero academia), i figured i'd try to recall what i could about the shows i watched all those years ago for your reading pleasure. have fun!

also kinda goes without saying but spoilers!!!! i'm just gonna discuss everything i can remember so there will definitely be a lot of spoilers

sword art online

   - appartently this show is objectively not that good but it was the first anime i ever watched so i guess it has nostalgia factor for me

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- appartently this show is objectively not that good but it was the first anime i ever watched so i guess it has nostalgia factor for me

- our boy kirito gets stuck in a vr game for two years and if you die in the game you die in real life

- he's like sixteen but by the time he gets out of sao he's like,,, married,,??? and he has a kid that is an ai fairy

- tbh i didn't ship kirito x asuna at all, nothing personal i just didn't vibe with it

- kirito lost his hand i think??

- klein and agil deserved significantly more screentime oml i loved those two waaaaaay more than i loved kirito

- the gun gale arc had the best character development, thirteen-year-old me did NOT care that kirito and asuna were canon she shipped the fuck out of kirito x sinon and tbh she still does

- sinon is the best character in the entire show

- i don't remember the second art of sao 2 having anything to do with video games?? like all i remember was a plotline about hiv and like i guess there was gaming in there somewhere

- alo arc was weak sorry

attack on titan

attack on titan

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