lineart best bits

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[published 18.12.20]

   what's up gamers how're we doing

   i live in america where people are still pretending the pandemic doesn't exist so highkey i am doing poorly but such is life i suppose!!! hehehe i'm dying

   anyway despite how bad i have become at most things during this quarantine time i have gotten quite good at my old lineart nonsense so i figured i'd do a lil best of compilation hohoho

   these will be loosely grouped into some categories but mostly it's just some Stuff I Like so here we go:

   (also disclaimer yes i am actively tracing these images, i cannot draw freehand and i do not consider myself an actual artist!!! to follow a kpop fanartist whose work i love i'd recommend checking out daehwisdays on ig or twitter, i love their work so much i bought a couple of their prints uwu)

• group 1: times i demolished a human hand •
haechan (nct 127)
jisung (nct dream)
joshua (seventeen)

   i actually did all of these concept photos but tbh the rest were simply not as good as donghyuck's,, it is rare that i can competently do white-based shading, rarer that i can do a side profile, and rarest that i can functionally draw a hand, s...

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   i actually did all of these concept photos but tbh the rest were simply not as good as donghyuck's,, it is rare that i can competently do white-based shading, rarer that i can do a side profile, and rarest that i can functionally draw a hand, so this friend is a best bit

   i actually really like my set of go concept pics that i did, they were all really fun because it was one of the first times i worked with hard shadow type lighting so it was actually reasonable to see where to shade which is like NUTS for me bu...

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i actually really like my set of go concept pics that i did, they were all really fun because it was one of the first times i worked with hard shadow type lighting so it was actually reasonable to see where to shade which is like NUTS for me but jisung's is just my fav from the set, also i killed that hand so

   i actually really like my set of go concept pics that i did, they were all really fun because it was one of the first times i worked with hard shadow type lighting so it was actually reasonable to see where to shade which is like NUTS for me bu...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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