Let Us Relax, Dangit.

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[published 01.16.14]

So, I've come to discover that I hate high school. I'm currently a freshman, and, yes, it's as bad as you think. Not simply because you're the bottom of the food chain, but because it's not just students who treat you this way. In my high school, we don't really have the right to privacy. We're almost never alone, and when we are it's usually because we're in trouble. And then, after an exhausting day of running around and learning useless information that we will never have to know in real life (seriously, no one's going to need to know how to graph a system of inequalities in their life unless they aspire to be an algebra teacher), we're expected to come home, do even more work, and then be social. I've got six words to say about that:







Yes, we can be expected to do our homework and study for our exams, but, with the previously discussed lack of alone time and privacy, it's hard to keep up a constant happy attitude when we're almost always nervous. That leads me to the topic of parents, but that's probably going to get its own chapter. Sometimes, you have to leave the kids alone. Let the kids be kids. Let us kill time on our computers. We just need some time to unwind from what are usually considered very stressful days (because public school in America is awful; if you're from some European country and you don't have to deal with American public school I want to be you). Give us a couple hours of time to sit quietly on our computers and write stories, or watch videos, just let us do something that takes an edge off of the stressful environment we've been in for the last eight hours. Give us that time right after we get back from school, and the likelihood of us being more tolerable, possibly even entertaining, becomes much much larger. This is a short chapter, but there isn't much to talk about other than what I've already said, and I hate redundancy as much as you do.

(A/N FROM TWO YEARS LATER: honestly what the hell was I talking about I liked freshman year)

(A/N FROM TWO MORE YEARS LATER: this entire chapter is hot nonsense idek what i'm saying or why my life is nice)

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