New Username, New You

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[published 04.10.15]

I'd like to inform you all that I'm no longer 12 years of age, and that my username was pretty stupid. So, I've changed it. I've also edited the [REDACTED] covers for the (hopefully) LAST TIME and will most likely never touch them ever again.

Sorry, I just really like Kpop.

Anyway, as you may have seen, I just uploaded the first 2 chapters of a Jimin fanfic. I really like it, and encourage you to read it if you like Kpop or me, I don't care. I'm proud of it, so, yeah.

New username, new me.

No longer am I quirky 12 year-old [REDACTED], but now I'm mildly cooler but still kinda lame Sam.

Goodbye, [REDACTED]-infested past, hello, Kpop-adorned future.

Let's do this.

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