Almost Three Years of This Shit

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[published 11.01.15]

Well, guys, I recently (as in two days ago) turned fifteen, and that makes me think. I've been reading on this website since the age of twelve and writing since that long as well, and it's really been quite a journey for a young and developing hopeful author like myself. Due to that, I'd like to do a little recap.


Ah, I was twelve once. The thought of it is enough to make me cringe. Oh, my stuff was awful. Here's why:

When I was twelve, I published my first ever fanfic about a band called The Wanted. It was awful, and I don't remember much about it (thankfully), not even the title. Either way, I deleted it when I decided that I wanted to do video game stuff. *cringes again*

[REDACTED 1]was also pretty terrible. Thankfully, my shame prompted an almost total rewrite of the entire series, so they aren't all that bad now, but they were truly awful. I blame only myself for my lack of knowledge in grammar, spelling, or the other fundamental aspects of writing, but it's all behind me now.


Age thirteen was definitely a less cringeworthy year for me, but not by much. My own ever-hated [REDACTED 2] came to a conclusion that year, and I've gone on the record before discussing how much I despise that work of fiction, simply because it wasn't really necessary. I milked the original book like Scott Cawthon's milking FNAF right now, and that was the only reason I wrote it, so I'm not particularly proud of it. After the rewrite, though, it's certainly much better.

[REDACTED 3] also made its debut on the World Wide Web when I was at this age, and it's definitely when my writing skill decided to improve a bit. Granted, book two was better than book one, and the longer three went on, the better it got, but I really did start getting better at writing through it, and it's the book in the series that I love the most. Even though the subject matter of the book rarely comes up in my day-to-day vocabulary out of sheer shame, there is a place in my heart for that dumbass book.

All This Time was also a thing that happened at this time. Oh, what a great premise, and oh, what a poor execution. Honestly, I made that thing so much more boring than it had to be, and I stopped having fun almost immediately after I started writing it. Hence, my reason for taking it down. I don't know, I could have done better, but I'm actually quite happy that book never got its conclusion. Frankly, it didn't really deserve one.

This book, of course, also came out at this time, and I'm having a hell of a good time with it because it is literally just me venting for no reason to no audience. And I also had a Q&A book but it flopped because I wasn't good at communicating with my followers, so yknow, not a great move.


Age fourteen was a pretty anticlimactic one. All of my old stuff was done by then, and I didn't have much motivation to write; plus I was in high school and getting used to the workload, too. however, updates in this book were surprisingly frequent compared to what I thought was going to happen, that being total inactivity.

I published The Agency at this point. God, I love that thing. It's still a draft on my phone, and I'm just saving it for when I eventually need it or want to actually turn it into a real book. You haven't seen the last of that, let me tell you.

And, of course, Pitying the Prisoner. Towards the middle of third quarter during freshman year, I discovered Kpop, and I fell in freaking love. EXO was the group that started it all, but I'm currently a VIXX-biased piece of absolute Korean-music-loving garbage. By the way, Han Sanghyuk (AKA the Devil Himself) is my Number One Bias in all of Kpop and I hope this never changes because I actually love him. Anyway, BTS is a group that I really like, and I was going through a phase with them when I decided to write this. I'm very much proud of it, and it's by far the best piece of fanfiction I've ever published. I love writing and Jimin and dystopian settings, so I've got no reasons to not be down with that book.

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