Part 4: House

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After I had hung up my shirts and folded everything else, as well as putting me four pairs of shoes up I started on my décor box. I first put up my led lights, in all the wall creases and also around the beds head rest. It looked really nice. I remembered about me bed side table and placed that to the right of my bed because to the left there was a wall. I put my light, picture and some other stuff on my bed side table(a/n idk I couldn't think of anything, be creative this is your room after all). I hung some things on the wall. I also put up my floating selves so I could display my collectables. I had everything unpacked except for my desk and set up, so I decided to go get a snack before I started on that.

I walked downstairs and saw dad and father unpacking some things for the living room and kitchen. "Hi y/n how is unpacking going?" Dad asked as he hung up a picture. "It's going good I only have me desk and gaming set up left to unpack." I said grabbing a bag of chips. "oh okay, well just to let you know you start school tomorrow." Dad said as he walked over to an unopened box. "Okay." I said sitting down at the table. "How do you unpack so damn quickly?" Father asked in surprise. "I don't know, I just grab stuff out of a box and put it where it needs to go." I said shrugging my shoulders. "Fair enough." Father said. "Okay I am going back upstairs to finish unpacking!" I said running up the stairs into my room as I heard their faint goodbyes.

I got the desk almost finished but I couldn't find the last screw. 'Damn it!' I thought to myself. I looked everywhere in my room for it. Still no luck, I looked in the empty boxes, I looked in the closet, I looked under and around my bed, still couldn't find it. Thoughts started to fill my head 'Did I leave it at the old house? If I did do we have any extra ones?' I just sat in defeat when I felt something poke me. I checked my pocket and what did I find? The screw I spent the last half hour looking for. I felt dumb but at the same time happy I had finally found it. I finished putting together my desk and then started on the monitors and computer. This didn't take to long but still ate up a bit of time. After about an hour I had finished setting it all up. now it was time for the moment of truth. To turn it all on. I started up my computer and everything else turned on as well. 'Thank god' I thought to myself in relief. I got my backpack ready for school tomorrow and then sat down at my desk to stream. I logged onto discord, Twitch and Minecraft.

I had everything ready to go when I saw Sapnap online. I called him in Discord.

"Hey sap!" I said when he picked up
"Hey! uni" he said in response.
"Do you want to pay some bed wars?" I asked hoping he would say yes.
"Yeah sure! I was going to stream but didn't know what to stream." He said then sighed.
"well good thing you've got me!" I said in a joking tone.

"Yep!" He said as we both laughed.
I pressed "GO LIVE" and started my stream as Sapnap and I got onto Minecraft. We played bed wars for almost three hours. "Okay guys I have been streaming for almost three hours so I am going to end it here!" I said waving goodbye to my stream. Sapnap and I ended our streams but stayed in the call.
"So you start a new school tomorrow huh?" Sapnap asked.
"Yep, I'm kind of nervous though." I said as I put my head down.
"Why?" He asked concerned.
"Well because at my old school I got bullied a lot so I think this school will be no different." I said as I sighed.
"Well, maybe you will be wrong!" He said trying to lighten the mood
"Yeah maybe." I said as I let out a little laugh. Dad walked into my room.

"Y/n bed time, you need to get rest for tomorrow." Dad said smiling at me. "Okay! Goodnight." I said turning my head to Dad, as he left the room.

"Well, I have to get off, talk to you tomorrow sap!" I said with my mouseover the hang up button.
"Okay, goodnight sleep well." He said in a smooth tone.
"You too." I said before I ended the call.

Sapnap's POV

Unicorn_nuggut ended the call after someone told her to go to bed. It sounded a lot like George if I'm being honest. I shrugged that off and logged off of Minecraft and Discord then shut off my computer. I got up from my desk and walked down stairs to talk to my mom, because I am meant to move into the DreamSmp house soon but I have to work it over with my mom first.

"Hey mom!" I said walking down stairs. "Hey sweetheart what's up?" She asked pausing her show. "So about me moving into the house with my friends," I started before she cut me off. "Oh yes, about that," She said which scared me, just the way she fraises it sent shivers up my spine. "I have been thinking and, well, yes" she said yes! I thought to myself but I knew she wasn't done, my mom ends her sentences with a different voice, so that wasn't all she had to say. "but I want you to text me at least once a week, to make sure you are okay." She said ending her sentence. "So when can I move in?" I asked frankly. "In a week, as long as it is okay with that friend, Dream or Clay which ever one it was." She said smiling at me. "Those are both his name, and yes I will ask him if that is okay." I said running over to her and hugging her. "Thank you mom!" I said excited. " Oh you're welcome Nick! but it is time for you to head to bed." She said letting go of the hug. "Okay love you goodnight!" I said excited "Goodnight! Love you!" I heard mom yell from downstairs. I plopped down on my bed and texted Clay. I asked clay if I could move in next week and he said yes! I put my phone on the charger and fell asleep.

Hello guys! So I made a whole texting video to add into the for 'Sapnap and Dream' but idk how to add my own videos into this so, if anyone knows how please tell me in the comments or something.

Have a great day!

Word count: 1169

Teenage Love? Dnf's child Y/n x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now