Part 8: What happened?

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After Niki left the room I saw Dad almost crying. "Sweetheart..." Dad started off, "You don't need to apologize, in any other situation I would be pissed. But after I saw that note, I understood everything that was happening." He said placing his hand on my shoulder. "Was the note all that happened today at school?" Father asked sounding concerned. "No." I said trying not to cry. "What happened?!" Father asked "Everything! People have a mom, I don't, so they picked on my like that. People have A dad I have two, I don't look pretty, all the other girls do. All I am is a FREAK IN THAT SCHOOL!!!" I yelled then I couldn't hold it in anymore, I bursted into tears. Dad and Father hugged me and comforted me. I just cried until someone said something.

"You are not a freak y/n" Dad said politely. "I am though, even at the old school, but they didn't bring you guys into it. They were respectful, only one kid in this school was respectful of this." I said sighing. "You made a friend?" Father asked "Yeah, he is nice to me, I have someone to talk to at school which is nice." I said controlling my tears and letting out a weak smile. "That's nice sweety!" Dad said letting out of the hug, father followed. "How long did all of this last?" Father asked quietly. "All day, from when I introduced myself to when I left the school." I said then sighed. "Oh okay, well, next time you can talk to us about it. Okay?" Dad said then smiled big, father did the same. "Okay!" I said then smiled to. "Love you y/n!" Father said standing up from my bed. "Love you!" Dad said also getting off my bed. "Love you guys!" I said as they walked out of my room. I lied down on my bed then sighed. I remembered Niki wanted to know what happened today so I got up from my bed and ran into her room.

"Hey Niki!" I said at her door frame which was already open. "Hey, anything fun happen at school, meet new people? Make a friend? Did you–" she started to ask questions before I cut her off. "I made a new friend and I may have a–" I stopped for a second then continued. "A crush." I whispered. "REALLY?!?!" Niki asked really excited. "Maybe!" I responded. "Who! What is he like? Is he nice?" She started to ask lots of questions again. "He is so nice! So sweet. Cute! No, not cute, handsome, hot? I don't know how to describe him! He just looks so good!" I said then smiled wide. "Ooooooo!!!! You have a cr–" Niki started to say crush before I covered her mouth. "Shhh! I don't know how dad and Father would react!" I said letting go of her mouth. "Oh right sorry!" She said then smiled. I let out a small laugh. "Okay well I have some homework to do so I'll leave you alone!" I said jumping off her bed. "Okay beautiful!" She said smiling. "Love you gorgeous!" I said as I walked out. "Love you too!" She said waving. I fully walked out of her room and shut the door behind me. I walked back over to my room and went inside.

I sat at my desk after I shut my door. I grabbed my backpack and started on my homework, not even 10 minutes later Sapnap messages me on discord.

*Discord messages*

"Hey Unicorn!! Do you want to play some Minecraft?"

"Uh okay!"

*Back to your POV*
Seconds later Sapnap called me in Discord. I laughed before picking up.
"HEYYY!!" I heard him yell from the other end.
"Ear r@pe" I whispered to myself.
"I heard that!" He yelled
"Okay Sapmap." I said then chuckled.
"What ever!" He said in defeat
"What are you up to?" I asked him trying to start a conversation.
"Nothing that's why I called you!" I could hear his smile. "What are you doing?" He continued
"Homework." I said then sighed.
"Oh yeah! How was your first day?" He asked energetically.
"It was okay!" I lied, I didn't want to cry again.
"Good good!" He said
"Soooo... Minecraft?" I asked him
"Well if you need to do homework I do too!" He said then laughed.
"Okay!" I said then laughed as well.
We started on our homework until we finished. I really wanted to just lay in bed after I finished so I decided to tell Sapnap.
"I think I am going to hop off Sap." I said then sighed.
"Okay! Talk to you next time!" He sounded sad.
"Sorry, I just want to lay in bed for a bit." I said feeling sorry.
"No no! It's okay I understand it was probably a long day at school today." He said so politely. I smiled.
"Bye Sapnap!" I said about to hang up.
"Bye Unicorn!" He said then he hung up.

I turned off my computer and monitors and was about to go to my bed before I remembered Nick gave me his number earlier today. I ran over to my backpack and found the paper that had his number. I ran over to my bed and placed my back against the backboard. I punched his number into my phone and then texted him, 'hello! This is y/n from school. Is this Nick?' I pressed send.

*Nick's POV*
I just got off the call with Unicorn_nuggut when I heard my phone go off. I walked over to my bed and sat down before checking my phone.

*In messages*

"hello! This is y/n from school. Is this Nick?"

"Hello y/n! Yes this is Nick!"

"How are you?"

"Good, how are you?"

"I'm alright!"

"Good! What are you up to?"

"Nothing much, just finished
my homework. You?"

"Same! Homework was
no fun tonight!"

———————————————————————————Hello! So I hope this isn't a confusing chapter, if it is let me clear it up real quick, so y/n doesn't know that Nick and Sapnap are the same person, just like Nick doesn't know Unicorn_nuggut and y/n are the same people. I hope that cleared it up if it didn't please let me know your questions and I will try to answer them.

Have a great day!

Word count: 1062

Teenage Love? Dnf's child Y/n x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now