Part 12: Crush?!

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*Still Nick's/Sapnap's POV*
I finished packing and texted Clay so I could know when I could come over. He said I could now if I wanted to. I got excited and ran down stairs to tell mom. "Okay, have a fun time. Text me at least once a week." Mom said hugging me. I grabbed my stuff and Mom and I went out to the car. I gave her directions to the house and we got there. I knocked and Clay answered he door. "Hey dude! You can bring your stuff up to your room. George will show you which one then you can meet everyone's that has moved in so far!" Clay said smiling. Mom helped me grab my stuff and George showed me the room. I got all my stuff in the room and Mom left. I unpacked everything and set up my room. I loved it!

*Y/n's POV*
I waved goodbye to Nick and continued to walk home. Luckily I had no homework for today. I got home and walked in and went to my room. I threw my bag down and sat at my PC. I wanted to play some Minecraft but I didn't want to stream. I grabbed one of my AirPods and put it in my ear. I shuffled my liked songs. I opened up Minecraft and started to play on one of my hardcore worlds. I played for a while when I heard something come from the room next to me. No one is in that room yet. Is there? I thought to myself. I saved the world and shut down my PC. I walked out of my room and walked across the hall. I knocked twice. "Come in!" I heard a familiar voice say. I opened he door, walked in and shut the door behind me. I saw the person turn around. IT WAS Nick? I thought. I ran up to him and hugged him, he returned the hug.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I could say the same to you!" Nick said I could almost here his smile. We both pulled away from the hug. "You are apart of the smp?" I asked. "Yeah, you are too I'm guessing," Nick said laughing a bit. "Yes, I'm Unicorn Nuggut." I said smiling at him. "I'm Sapnap." He said smiling back at me.

"Everyone get downstairs!" I heard Father yell from downstairs. Nick and I exchanged looks. We walked out the room and down the stairs. Everyone saw Nick and tilted their heads a little. "Hello everyone, I'm Nick, uh Sapnap." Nick said waving shyly. Everyone introduced themselves except me. "Y/n you need to introduce yourself too." Father said giving me a sharp look. "Nah, Nick already knows who I am." I said giving Father a stupid smirk. "How?" Dad said confused. "Well, 1. Nick and I go to school together, and 2. I heard noise coming from the room so I knocked and yeah..." I said looking at everyone. "Huh, okay well, tonight is movie night everyone!" Dad said smiling. "Yeah, every Friday is a movie night. You don't have to participate but it's an option if you want to." Father said as everyone walked away. "Are you going to watch the movie?" I asked Nick. "Yeah. Why not?" Nick said then laughed. "You?" Nick asked "yeah." I said as we walked up the stairs. I went into my room and Nick went into his. I sat down on my bed and scrolled on my phone for a while.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I said sitting up on my bed. Niki walked in and sat next to me. "Sooo.... How was school? How is your crush..?" Niki asked giving me a stupid smirk. "About that..." I said scratching the back of my neck. "What?!" Niki said exited. "My crush is kinda sorta Nick." I sighed "OooOo! I can see you two dating. You guys would make the best couple!" Niki said giving me a sweet smile. "Yeah right! He probably doesn't even like me back." I sighed. "Eh, I could totally see him liking you but who knows!" Niki said standing up. "I guess. Geez you know just what to say to lift the mood!" I said hugging her. "It's my specialty." Niki said laughing. "Love you!" I said as Niki walked toward the door. "Love you too!" Niki said about to open the door. Once Niki left I fell down on my bed and sighed.

*Nick/Sapnap's POV*
I heard a knock at the door so I got up and opened it. It was Wilbur. "Hello Nick! May I come in?" Wil asked politely. "Of course!" I said letting him in. We both sat on my bed. "So, how is school?" Wilbur asked. "Well, uh good." I said trying not to blush because every time I think of school I think of y/n.
"You are blushing! Do you like someone?!" Wilbur asked curios. "Yeah." I said quietly. "Who?" Wilbur asked looking me dead in the eye. "Y/n" I mumbled. "Huh?" Wilbur said. "Y/n." I said louder. "OooOo well, you are the only two on this side on the house sooo... have fun!" Wilbur said jokingly. "Shut up!" I said playfully hitting him in the arm. "Okay okay. But you should ask her out soon. I mean, how many people does she hang out with at school?" Wilbur asked I felt as if it was a weird question though. "Just me. Why?" I said oddly. "When she gets home it seems like she can't wait to go back to school. So you may have something on her." Wilbur smirked at me. "Whatever!" I said looking down. "Y'know, we are watching a scary movie tonight, you should try to sit by y/n. She'll need someone to hold if she gets scared." Wilbur said getting up and patting me on the back. "Okay, thanks by the way!" I said hugging him. "Any time dude." Wilbur said then left the room.

———————————————————————————Two parts in one day! Yay! I will try to get part 13 out today as well. I am trying to work on this story as much as I can.

Have a great day!

Word count: 1048

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