Part 35: Purchase

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*October 14th Wednesday 10:37 a.m.*
*Molly's POV*


Harper got her phone back!
Why don't Harper, you and
me go out and get Y/N
birthday presents?!

Um yes! I currently only
have one present! So I def
want to get some more! I'll
meet you and Harper at the
mall around the corner?

Sounds good!
*read 10:42

*End of text messages*

After my convo with Gracie I texted Harper.


Hey! So sense you have your
phone back, Gracie and I are going
to the mall to get Y/N presents.
Wanna come?

Yes! I really need to get
her gifts!

Perfect! Meet us at the
*read 10:48

*End of text messages*

I got off my bed and changed into a hoodie and leggings. I grabbed my keys, phone and purse. I text my parents letting them know I was leaving. They were still at work. I left the house making sure to lock the door behind me then got into my car. I drove off to the mall. This mall have lots of cool shops. I already have one gift for Y/N it is a candle that says birthday on it.

I knew at least two stores I wanted to go to. There was a really cool candle store that Y/N loved! Most of them had funny sayings on it and some had a cool design. I also wanted to go to a bookstore in the mall. Y/N had just recently found it so I was pretty sure she wouldn't have too many books from it.

Gracie was already at the entrance and Harper arrived only a few minutes later. We all walked in and went up the escalator.

"So, what store should we go to first?" Harper spoke from next to me. "How about that one candle store Y/N loves. 'Fresh sent' I think that's the name, or something like that?" Gracie suggested. "Yeah! I actually wanted to go there." I said glad that Gracie and I were on the same page. We all agree and went into the store after getting off the escalator.

Harper was the first to find a candle she liked. "Haha, I'm definitely getting Y/N this."  Harper said picking up a candle. It was really funny, Y/N also did say it a lot so it was perfect. "Oh... my... gosh..." Gracie said practically dying of laughter. "What?" I asked confused. Gracie held a candle up to us, I read it and soon started laughing as well. Harper joined in on the laughing fit. "You so have to get it for her!" Harper managed to blurt out. "I'm definitely getting it for her!" Gracie giggled. "OooOo! Y/n would love this! I'm going to get it!" Gracie said lifting up this metal item. Harper and I both nodded in agreement.

Now it was just me who had to get a candle. I found five, it was a pack, they were all Harry Potter themed and if you know anything about Y/N she LOVES Harry Potter. And Marvel but y'know, right now it's about Harry Potter. I showed the girls and they all agreed that Y/N would love it. We all paid for our stuff then left.

"I'm going to the arts and craft store." Harper said to Gracie and I. "Okay, I'm going to look for a book." I stated. "I'll go with Harper." Gracie said as the two of them left.

I went to the bookstore I wanted to go to earlier. I looked around for almost 15 minutes before I finally settled on a book hoping Y/N does not have it. I saw the other two standing in front of a store so I walked over to them.

"Hey! What did you get Harper?" I asked. "Oh I got art supplies! I hope she'll like it." Harper said clearly nervous. "I bet she will." I said with a smile. "Do you guys want to go into this store?" Gracie said pointing to a near by store. "Yeah!" I said exited. "Sure, why not." Harper said starting to walk over to it.

It was one of those stores with really cool jewelry. So I was pretty sure I could find something for Y/N in there. We were all looking around, and that's when I saw it. The perfect gift for Y/N it was a necklace, Marvel themed. I think Y/N will love it so I was going to get it.

I went to the other girls to see how they were doing. "Oh my gosh! Molly look what I found. It's perfect for Y/N!" Harper said showing me the item she has. It was a hand jewelry, it is a bracelet that has chains going to a ring connecting it all. It was another marvel item. "Y/N is going to die when she sees it!" I said with enthusiasm! Harper and I purchased our items and then the three of us left.

*October 14th Wednesday 9:04 a.m.*
*Clay's POV*

George and I had two of the three gifts for Y/N. One of them was a necklace from an Avengers movie. She is obsessed with them. And the second one we have we bought a week and a half ago from Apple.

"Hey babe, do you want to go get the rest of the stuff for Y/N today?" George said as he walked in the room. "Yeah, are you cool to leave now?" I asked looking up from my phone. "Yep, are you?" George said leaning down and giving me a kiss. "Yeah." I said once the kiss had ended. We both slipped on our shoes. I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet.

We both got to the car, I opened the passenger door for George then closed it as soon as he got in. I then walked around and got into the driver seat. We went to Barnes and nobles. We both knew how much Y/N loved to read. Which is why we made a reading nook for her. There was a lot of shelf's so we were sure all of her books would fit. But that caused most of the shelving to be bare. Even though Y/N had a TON of books. George and my plan was to get a basket of books for Y/N. So we bought about 10 books and a basket, paid then left.

OooooOooOOoOo we're getting close to the Birthday chapter! But tbh I have a feeling that chapter will be like 3 different parts 😅 I have a lot of plans for it so it's going to be long! I hope you are as excited as I am.

Have a great day!

Word count: 1133

Teenage Love? Dnf's child Y/n x SapnapМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя