Part 32: Afternoon Oct 13th

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*October 13th Tuesday 2:15 p.m.*
*Still Y/n's POV*

"Okay, school is over in 5 minutes so the two of you get your stuff and you can head out." One of the nurses said. We both nodded our heads. Nick grabbed my bag as I got off the bed. "I can get my bag babe." I said giving him a weak smile. "No doll I have it." Nick said with a big smile.

My stomach got butterflies, Nick has never called me 'doll' before so that was a huge surprise and I love it. We left school and began to walk home.

"Don't tel my parents." I said as we were half way home. Nick stopped dead in his tracks. "Doll, you got in a fight you have to tell them." Nick protested. He was probably right, okay yes he was right but I wasn't telling them. I turned around facing Nick. "If I tell them, I am so dead." I said. "So how do you expect to get to your room without making eye contact nor looking at them. I took a few steps towards Nick taking my bag from him and throwing on my shoulder. "By telling them I'm tired. Which won't be a full lie just not the full truth." I said then turned around heading to the house. "Okay fine, good luck doll." Nick said shrugging his shoulder and followed me.

We made it to the house and I let out a sigh before opening the door and going inside. I made it to the stairs without anyone saying anything to me. But as soon as I stepped on the first step Father spoke. "Oh hey Y/N! How was school?" He asked. Nick slid by me up to his room. "It was alright." I said in a tired voice. "Are you okay honey?" Dad asked. "Yeah just tired. So I'm going to go relax maybe even read a bit. Please don't bother me." I sighed hoping the bought my lie. "Okay honey, sleep well." Dad said in his caring tone.

As soon as I heard his words I ran up to my room. Closing and locking the door behind me. I slid down my door as tears flowed down my bruised face. I sobbed for almost an hour before I got up and put my bag down next to my desk. I went into my bathroom wiping my tears. I looked in the mirror. I wasn't badly bruised only three small bruises on my face. My stomach, back and sides were a different story. I had two about hand sized bruises on my back. And then a few medium size a crossed my side and stomach. I covered the bruises on my face with makeup so you couldn't see them.

I finished my make up so I left my bathroom and grabbed a new book because I finished my book at school. I ended up picking a three book series, so the first one I'm reading is 'A Good Girls Guide to Murder' (A/N this is a murder mystery series and oh my gosh is it a good series. If you like murder mystery you will love it! I highly recommend it) I placed the book down on some blankets in my reading nook as I grabbed my matches on one of my white shelves. I lit a match and placed it on the wick of the candle on my window seal. Once the wick had caught flame I blew out the match and placed it on a tray while it cooled off. I put my match box back and sat down grabbing my book.

*The candle you lit*

I was reading for about an hour and a half when there was a knock at my door

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I was reading for about an hour and a half when there was a knock at my door. I placed a book marker to hold my place. I got up and walked over to my door. I unlocked it and then opened it. It was Niki. PERFECT actually!

"Hey! I wanted to take you to get you nails done. Do you want to come?" Niki asked in her sweet voice. "Yeah sure!" I said with a smile. "I need to grab my phone and a bag and I'll meet you downstairs?" I asked with a small smile. "Works for me! See you in five!" Niki said then disappeared from my view.

I turned around letting go of my door and grabbed my phone off my bed and a small bag from my closet. I then blew out the candle I lit earlier. I left my room shutting the door behind me and walked down the stairs. I saw Niki patiently waiting.

"I'm all ready," I stated. Niki looked up from her phone quickly. "Great! Let's go! I'm driving." Niki said grabbing her keys that were on the counter behind her. We both headed to the door. We got into Nikis car.

First, Niki took us to Starbucks. I offered to pay but she refused to let me. I got a Caramel Ribbon Crunch. (A/N You can change it is you want :)) We then went to the nail salon. We both told the lady what we wanted and we got sat at one of the chairs. We both only wanted our hands done as we rarely wore sandals.

*Your nails*

*Niki's Nails*

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*Niki's Nails*

You bout were satisfied with your nails so you got back into the car

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You bout were satisfied with your nails so you got back into the car.

"So how was school?" Niki asked. The one question you hoped she didn't ask she asked. "Well, I kinda y'know got in a fight..." I answered looking out the window. "WHAT?! Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?!" Niki asked with concern in her voice. "Yeah, just bruised a bit, nurse said I may get a black eye but I don't think I will." I shrugged. "Why the hell did you get in a fight?!" Niki said furious. I explained to her the situation that caused that fight then she became understanding. "Are you going to tell your parents?" Niki questioned. "Well yeah, when I'm healed so in a few day." I said shrugging again. "Okay, fair enough." Niki said understanding. We made it back home so we went inside. Both of us went to our own rooms.

Niki was kind of like a mom to me, or a big sister. Yeah, more like a big sister. She was the one who helped me find things I liked and a clothing style I liked.

I'm starting to really love this story, and I hope you are too! <3 but let me know your thoughts and ideas for the story! It's fun to throw a few different ideas into the story so I am open to all suggestions!

Have a great day!

Word count: 1125

Teenage Love? Dnf's child Y/n x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now