Part 19: Caught?!

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*Still Nick's POV*
I woke up and saw y/n was on her phone. Her head was still on my chest. I kissed her head and she looked up at me. "Morning!" Y/n said excitedly. "Good morning sunshine." I said then kissed her. "Oh are we doing cute nicknames now?" She asked smiling. "I mean, I guess if you want to." I said as the biggest smile spread a crossed y/n's face. "Okay!" She said really excitedly. She put her head back down and went on her phone. I picked up my phone, it was 8:50. "Ugh I don't want to get up!" I groaned. "We don't have to it should only be Niki and Wilbur home." Y/n smiled. "True! You're so good at remembering things." I smiled at her. "It's my specialty." Y/n said then laughed a bit.

We cuddled for about another 30 minutes until there was a knock on my door. "Hey Nick can I come in?" I heard Niki say. "Go under my bed." I whispered to y/n. Once she was under my bed I put a blanket over me. "Yeah what's up?" I asked Niki. She came in. "Do you know where y/n is?" Niki asked. "No, she might have left with one of the others." I said. "Oh okay." Niki went to leave. "Oh yeah, do me a favor, be sweet to y/n, she kind of has a crush on you." Niki said smiling at me. "Really? I had no idea!" I said trying to play it off. "Of course you didn't! Boys never do." Niki said then left. I started laughing. Y/n hit the bottom of my bed. "Shut up!" Y/n said then came out. She got back on my bed. "ShE kinDa HaS a cRUsH oN You!" Y/n said in a mocking tone. I was still laughing hard. "I'm going to change." Y/n said going to the door. I pulled her back down. "Why... I'm sorry." I said I didn't want her to go. "I'm cold." Y/n said sweetly. "You can wear on of my hoodies and sweatpants." I suggested. "Are you sure?" Y/n asked. "Yes, and you can go change in my bathroom I'm just going to throw on a shirt." I shrugged. "Okay!" Y/n said happily. I got her the clothes and haded them to her. "Thank you!" Y/n said then kissed me. "Anytime!" I said then grabbed a shirt out of my closet. I put it on and walked out of the closet. I sat on my bed on my phone waiting for y/n.

Y/n walked out of the bathroom. She looked honestly really good. "Damn! You look good in my clothes you should wear them more often." I said smiling at her. Y/n came over and sat in my lap facing me. "Oh I do huh?" Y/n said looking at me in the eye. "Yeah you do." I said giving her a smirk. "Just so you know, this is my sweater now." Y/n smiled at me.

Y/n grabbed my face and kissed me, I grabbed hers and kissed back. These kisses just get better and better. Once we both pulled away y/n got up and went to leave. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To do my hair and makeup." Y/n looked at me and smiled. "Can I come?" I asked. "Yes of course!" Y/n said laughing a bit. "Yay!" I said excitedly then got up and went to her. "Okay 5 year old let's go." Y/n said then left my room and quickly went to hers. I followed close behind. As soon as I got into the room she shut the door.

*Y/n's POV*
We got into my room and I shut the door behind Nick. I walked into my bathroom and Nick followed. Nick sat on the chair for my vanity. "Y/n?" Nick said shyly. "Yes?" I asked grabbing my hair brush. "Do you HAVE to do your makeup?" Nick asked looking at me. "I don't have to, if you don't want me to then I'll only put on a bit, why?" I explained while I brushed out my hair. "I don't know I just kind of like how you look without the makeup." Nick shrugged. "Okay babe." I said then realized what I had just said. I froze. "Aww... you called my babe..." Nick said in a cute soft voice. "Y-your okay with that?" I asked nervously. "Yes I am baby." Nick said back. My heart was wormed. "Okay." I said trying not to blush. Nick pulled out his phone. "Also, I know your blushing." Nick said calmly. "Shut up! What hair style should I do?" I asked Nick. "I don't know? Up in a pony tail?" Nick shrugged. "That's the only style you know. Am I wrong?" I asked shaking my head. "Nope, spot on." Nick chuckled. I put my hair into a ponytail and did little makeup. "Finished!" I said excitedly after putting everything away. Nick put his phone into his pocket and looked at me. "You look gorgeous!" Nick said getting up. "Thank you. You look handsome." I smiled. "Thank you." Nick said smiling back. We both walked out of the bathroom. Nick left my room first, I waited a few minutes, then left my room.

"Y/n where were you?" Niki asked. "I was in my room...?" I tried playing it off. "I knocked and you didn't answer, so I asked Nick and he didn't know where you were." Niki laughed. "Oh- I must have been sleeping or in the bathroom?" I shrugged. "Fair." Niki said accepting. "Anyways why did you need me?" I asked. "Oh, yeah, do you want to go shopping?!" Niki asked excitedly. "Sure!" I said excitedly. "Can I come!?" Wilbur asked excitedly. Niki laughed, "Sure!" "If Wilbur's going, can I go." Nick asked. "Yes b-Nick you can come." I said hoping no one caught my mistake. "Aright then! Everyone's get some shoes on!" Niki said. We all got our shoes on and headed out the door.

Hello, I know this one is going out a bit later than the others but! I will start working on the next part tonight and hopefully be finished on it my tomorrow after noon.

Have a great day!

Word count: 1069

Teenage Love? Dnf's child Y/n x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now