Part 48: Appointment

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*March 24th Friday 3:30 p.m.*
*Nick's POV*

Y/N and I were sitting in the waiting room at the doctors office. Next Friday was prom so we had both gone to get our outfits.

"Y/N Davidson?" A nurse called out. Y/N stood up and I did as well. "Okay, I can only take her back can you wait here?" The Nurse said kindly. I looked down at Y/N, and gave her forehead a kiss. "Okay," I said with a smile.

The nurse took Y/N back as I sat down. We were going to schedule an ultrasound later tonight. We just needed to do the doctor appointment first. I sat nervously for Y/N to come back. After a little she came back and we left. She got into the passenger seat and I got in the driver seat.

"So, baby is all good." She said with a smile. "And the due date is November 15th." Y/N said looking at me. I placed my hand on her thigh. "That's good. And that means baby will be here before thanksgiving." I said flashing a smile then looking back at the road. "This weekend, can we go to buy buy baby? I really want to look at baby stuff," Y/N asked shyly. "Yes babe, we can go," I said with a slight laugh. "You are the best boyfriend ever," Y/N said wiggling in her seat.

I pulled into the driveway and the two of us got out. We went inside and everyone greeted us.

"Hey guys! Oh, uh Y/N can I talk to you?" Niki asked. "Yeah of course." Y/N responded then the two girls left the room.

I shrugged it off and sat down next to Wilbur.

"I swear bro, someone in this house has a big secret. I can just feel it," Wilbur whispered to me. How did he know?! Like the fuck?! "I know right. I wonder who though," I said trying to play it off. "Me too, I feel like it's Niki or Y/N and they are the only two who know." Wil said shrugging.

*March 24th Friday 4:27 p.m.*
*Y/N's POV*

I followed Niki into a different room. "Is everything okay? You seemed a bit nervous," Niki asked. I could tell she didn't want to over step but was worried. "Yeah, everything is good. Baby's good and due in November. It's just a lot to process." I said with a sigh. "Okay love, if you ever need anything let me know," Niki said giving a smile. "Thanks Niki," I said giving her a hug.

The two of us went back into the living room. I sat down next to dad. We were going to watch a movie before dinner. Hunger games began to play. We finished watching it at around 6:45. Father and I went to cook dinner. Everyone else stayed in the living room.

We were making steak and potatoes. Father began to cook the meat while I worked on the potatoes.

"So, how was it?" Father asked. "Good, ultrasound is scheduled for next week Sunday. And if you and dad are okay with it, I talked with the school and as long as I pass the tests I don't need to go in school." I said as I washed the potatoes. "When are tests? When do the end?" Father asked. "The last testing makeup day is April 8th," I stated. (A/n I'm aware it doesn't always work like this but for the story it does 😌) "I'm okay with it as long as you pass." Father said with a smile. "I' thinking Gender reveal in July and baby shower in October," I said putting the potatoes in the oven. "Sounds good hun. If you need anything let me or dad know," father said kissing my forehead. "Okay, love you." I said smiling up at him. "Love you too," Father said with a smile. He went back to cooking the steak. "Need any other help?" I asked before I left. "Nope," he said not turning around. "Okay." I responded before leaving.

I went up into the room to see Nick sat on the bed with his laptop open. "Watcha doing?" I asked shutting the door. "Reading how to take care of a child," Nick said moving his conifer on the mouse pad. I sat down right next to him placing my hand on his back. "We will get through it together babe," I said rubbing his back. "So, I was talking to my Father and we can do a gender reveal in July and baby shower in October," I stated. "That would be nice," Nick responded giving me a sweet kiss.

Teenage Love? Dnf's child Y/n x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now