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We arrived at the house and Valerio took the twins to their room as I remained in the living room with Valeria, Tyler, Taylor, Damon, Ash, Felisha, Ivy and Valeria.

"I need a drink" Valeria said while standing from the couch.

"Where is the kitchen by the way?" she asked as Valerio walked in.

He gave her directions to the kitchen and she walked away. He gave the guys a knowing look and they nod before walking away.

"We'll be underground discussing a meeting. I'll come to bed as soon as I'm done" Valerio said I nod.

He placed a kiss and my forehead and I smiled. He walked away the girls smirked at me.

"So even after a few days of waking up and suffering temporary memory loss you still manage to wrapped him back around your finger" Felisha smirked

Why does everyone say that

"I don't have him wrapped-"

"Yes you do" Valeria said while walking back into the room with a vodka bottle and four glasses.

"Okay can we change the topic" I said they grinned.

We soon went to bed after the maid showed us to our rooms.

I took a shower before getting into bed. I fell asleep then woke up four hours later to an empty bed.

I looked over at the time and saw that it 5:00a.m.

I got up and went to the bathroom before exiting the room.

I walked out before walking down the stairs to the second floor. I opened the twins room and went inside.

Valerio was asleep next to Lorenzo and Aria. Smiling I exit the room before going to the kitchen.

The moment I finished making breakfast the three walked into the kitchen.

"Momma" the twins said and I washed my hands before walking over to them.

"Good morning my babies" I smiled before kissing both their cheeks.

They sat down at the table as Valerio went and got himself some coffee. I gave the twins there breakfast and they said thanks before saying their grace.

"Amen" they both finished and Valerio took a seat at the counter.

"Good morning" I said as he continued to stare at me with some type of emotion in his eyes.

"Have I ever hit you" he asked

I looked at the twins who weren't paying any attention to us as they ate. I looked back at him before answering

"No why would you ask that" I said.

"Don't lie Lydia"

"I'm not"

"I got a flashback with you lastnight. You had bruises on your face and wrists and you were crying. Then I got another one with me holding you by your throat while you beg me to stop with tears in your eyes. Next I remember I holding my gun under your chin" he whispered.

Valerio // 18+|| book 1Where stories live. Discover now