Let Me See What You Have: A Boyfriend! // DreamNotKarlNap

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| romantic |

**content warnings: sexual humor, implied foot kink, mentions of piss, swearing**


Karl and George watch the cafe's entrance. They have already waited at a table for twenty minutes, sipping from cups of iced coffee and hot tea.

Today will be a double date, allowing George and Karl to meet each other's boyfriends for the first time. Karl will discover the man who managed to thaw George's icy heart, while George will discover the only other man who matches Karl's boundless energy.

Karl hopes that Dream will make a good first impression on George, and George hopes that Sapnap will not embarrass him in front of Karl.

Turning his gaze from monitoring the pedestrians walking along the cement sidewalk outside, Karl breaks his and George's silence. "So, where did you and Sapnap first meet?"

"It's a secret," George scolds. "I'm not telling you."

"Please?" Karl clasps his fingers together in a pleading gesture. Then, judging by George's surly tone, he realizes, "Wait... you probably met somewhere weird, didn't you?"

"It wasn't weird!" George denies immediately.

"You're blushing." Karl calls his bluff. "You've got to tell me now. Where did you first meet Sapnap?"

George clenches his jaw, then he relents. "Alright, fine. I'll tell you: I pranked him. We were at a, um..." Hesitating, George glances reluctantly at the patrons who sit at nearby tables. "At a public restroom. There were no walls between the urinals, so I said I liked his watch. He laughed at me, but it was a pretty nice watch."

"Are you kidding me?" Karl erupts into a fit of giggles. "That's not even a prank!"

Unable to suppress a sheepish smile at his friend's wildly entertained reaction, George echoes Karl's question, "Well, then, fine! How did you and Dream meet? I bet it was even more weird!"

Calming down, Karl catches his breath. He clears his throat and admits, "Actually, you might be right. My first-meeting story is pretty weird, too. Someone threw a party at the apartment below mine. Their music was too loud, so I walked out and decided to tell them to turn it down. I never reached the apartment, though. On my way, I saw a guy - Dream - crying on the stairs."

"That doesn't sound too bad." George sips from his tea. "Why was he crying?"

"Because some drunk guy pulled his jeans down. Dream said he was so surprised that he peed himself a little bit. Since he only had boxers by that point, the wet spot was pretty obvious to everyone else, so he ran out of the party right away. He was super embarrassed."

Appearing oddly impressed, George nods slowly. "Okay."

A sudden glimpse of movement distracts the men's attention; both George and Karl turn their heads to look. Outside, a burly man sprints from the sidewalk to heave open the cafe's door.

Catching his breath, Sapnap scans the busy cafe and runs fingers through his reddish hair. Despite the chilly weather, he wears athletic shorts and a white tank top. On the side of his neck, cursive ink letters read, "I RESPECT MY MOTHER." Below his collarbones, more tattoos hide under his luscious chest hair.

Sapnap brightens when he sees George's small wave. Confidently he strides across the checkered tile floor.

"Hey, George!" Weaving around tables, Sapnap apologizes, "Sorry I'm late! I had to take the absolute fattest shit back at the apartment. I don't even know what I ate - my ass just exploded. I thought I was gonna be there all day!"

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