That's Got to Be the Best Dad I've Ever Seen // SapNotFound

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[6771 words]

*content warnings: mentions of divorce*


April 9th.

Sapnap squeezes his sweaty palms into fists as he stands before the closed door. His throat feels dry when he swallows and stares at the metal door knob. Internally he berates himself for feeling so nervous. He holds exactly the same amount of power in the company as the man on the other side of this door, yet somehow the other department manager George is far more intimidating.

Sapnap runs the company's marketing department, while George runs the finance department. Both men possess similar responsibilities and workloads, but somehow they are incredibly different leaders.

Sapnap involves himself heavily in the function of his department. He checks in with employees on a regular basis and does not compromise on deadlines: two traits which make him a well-respected authority figure within the company. In contrast, George's style of leadership is more distant and hands-off. Generally he stays inside his office and handles phone calls, and he is less skilled at meeting deadlines.

Raising a closed fist, Sapnap knocks on George's door. From within, the muffled sounds of speech stop as the finance department's manager pauses a phone call.

"What is it?" A gruff voice answers the knock.

"It's Sapnap! I have mail for you!"

George does not respond verbally, but Sapnap hears a creak as the other man stands from his swiveling office chair and steps toward the door. Sapnap's breath hitches when the door swings open, revealing a small, slender man dressed in a navy-blue button-up shirt.

"You couldn't have waited until I finished my call?" George snaps disapprovingly.

Reminding himself that George only hates interruptions, not Sapnap himself, the marketing department's manager reasons in his own defense, "I have other things to do, you know. I can't just wait outside your door for twenty minutes until you finish a phone call."

George scoffs, but he does not protest further. Instead he squares his shoulders and accepts Sapnap's delivery: a thick file folder full of documents. Although his stubborn demeanor does not break, he dips his head politely. "Thanks, Sapnap."

"No problem, George. I'll see you later!"

"Bye." George closes his door again. When Sapnap listens, he hears the faint words, "Sorry about the interruption. As I was saying, if we allocate additional funds to the fundraising team, then the long-term payoff will be much greater -"

Sapnap sighs to himself. Despite George's weaknesses, he doubts that the other department manager deserves all of the criticism that he receives from the finance department's lower-ranking employees. George is a dedicated worker and one of the most intelligent people in the company, but he is also unorganized and easily distracted.

On the way back to Sapnap's office along one wall of the company building's third floor, he passes rows of cubicles where he greets the other finance and marketing employees.

"Hi, Ashia, how is the progress on the fundraising report?"

"It's almost done! I can finish it by 3:30pm, I think."

"Hey, Miguel, did you arrange that correspondents' meeting for next month?"

"You bet I did! I even convinced them to keep the original date!"

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