You Make My Banana Cream (Pie) // DreamNotKarlNap

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| romantic |

[1684 words]

**content warning: sexual humor**

Author's note: this story was inspired by the real-life story of how celebrity Alan Alda met his wife - look it up, it's funny! :D


Karl had only two reasons to attend his best friend Sapnap's wedding.

Reason #1: Karl was thrilled to see Sapnap finally uniting with his long-time boyfriend Dream in an official ceremony.

Reason #2: Every guest at the wedding would receive free food.

If Karl had a little more shame, then he would be embarrassed to admit that both of those reasons were equally valuable to him.

"And now you both may kiss."

A chorus of enthusiastic cheers erupted from the audience as two suited men leaned toward each other for an overjoyed kiss. Dream and Sapnap's lips turned upward with loving smiles as their eyelids closed. Thick and nimble fingers intertwined as they held hands, allowing the sounds of applause to surround them.

Contributing to the cacophony of celebration, Karl raised two fingers to his lips and whistled in support of his friends. A wedding might be an excessive way to brag about the love between a pair of totally average guys, but even Karl found himself smiling as he clapped with support.

As Dream and Sapnap ran down the aisle in the center of the indoor venue, they waved to the audience. Flower petals fluttered through the air and tears of happiness streamed down hundreds of cheeks.

Karl's anticipation grew when he twisted his torso in his folding chair to watch the couple as they jogged past him. Dream and Sapnap were not running from the ceremony; instead they were running toward a large round table where the desserts waited to be served. Predictably, everyone was hungry after so much emotional stimulation.

A wedding cake of seven tiers towered above the flower bouquets and bottles of sparkling cider that decorated the rest of the folding table. Decorated with intricate designs made from icing, the wedding cake represented the entire second reason why Karl attended this wedding.

Unfortunately, Karl would never taste the wedding cake.

He remained along the outskirts as hundreds of wedding guests formed a long line. While everyone else patiently waited for a slice of cake as Dream and Sapnap cut it, Karl simply took a paper plate and watched.

Karl was one of the only guests at the wedding to have a severe allergy. All of the food at the event was free of nuts, fish, and shellfish, and there were food options for people who were allergic to eggs, dairy, or coconut, too. However, Karl was the only attendee with a severe gluten allergy: he could not eat any wheat products.

Fortunately, to accommodate his best friend - and best man - Sapnap ordered a single, gluten-free banana cream pie. When Karl leaned to view the folding table's entire surface, he could see the small pie and the sign beside it that read, "FOR KARL (the hottie)".

Once most of the other guests received their cake and returned to their folding chairs around their tables, the newly-married husbands relaxed. Still full of adrenaline from the ceremony, Sapnap waved enthusiastically when he spotted his best friend Karl still waiting along the sidelines. "Hey, I got something gluten-free for you!"

"I saw!" Karl tilted his head toward the pie. With his paper plate and silver fork in hand, he strode toward the table.

Before Karl could serve himself, however, Dream looked away from a conversation that he was having with another guest: a small, slender man with dark brown hair and deep umber eyes. Standing near the dessert table, this stranger was almost as appealing as the banana cream pie.

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