Oh Wait, You've Never Been! // DreamNotFound

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(3417 words)

Author's note: I have too many stories where the explanation of how I got the idea is legitimately just "it came to me in a dream!" In this case, I was half-asleep when my brain created this, so when I woke up I scrambled to write it down.

Also I realized recently that the majority of my stories are AUs, so I thought it would be a nice surprise for me to actually write a story from OUR universe for once, lol.


Maybe the moment happened in December 2022, or perhaps it happened in January 2023. Regardless, the moment happened in a private place away from strangers, fans, critics, everyone. George will never admit it, but he remembers exactly when the moment happened. He wrote down the date and time afterwards so he would never forget. Dream might not remember these same details, but he will always remember when the moment happened because he waited months to create it.

Patience, longing, and love. These three things only grew with time. By 2020 Dream and George already knew their fates were entwined, but during late nights living with his parents in Brighton, George could not explain what he felt. His fondness for Dream seemed like admiration, simple and platonic, yet he guarded the extent of that fondness even from friends and family. In 2022 George would wonder when things changed. Did they change at once, or was the change so gradual that no one could pinpoint when it changed at all?

Maybe George's love for Dream was born in 2019 when he joined his online friend's mission to become a Youtuber. Maybe George's love bloomed in 2020 when he read DreamNotFound fanfictions with Sapnap on Discord calls. Maybe no one will ever discover when his feelings developed.

Dream was always aware that George enjoyed his presence more than anyone else's, but it took a long time for him to realize how much adoration dwelled within the secrecy of George's heart. Throughout their rise into online fame, Dream joked about dating him, marrying him, kissing him... but he never lied about his intention to spend forever with George. Maybe that was when Dream realized he felt the same way. Of course he might never share when that happened, either.

Years ago, two wandering souls found each other among the billions of people who exist in the world. Unaware of how they would impact each other's lives, the pair connected and interacted and bonded. At some point they fell in love, their words and actions implying it without explicitly saying it... until the one secret moment when Dream and George became more than friends.


Even in winter, Florida is hot and humid: 21 degrees this evening. By now, midnight has come and gone. Patches is asleep in her nest on the floor, but she will probably demand one more serving of food before her humans fall asleep.

When Sapnap left the main living area one hour ago, Dream and George were sitting apart as they scrolled listlessly on their smartphones. Both of them thought that Sapnap left to use the restroom. When he never returned, they assumed he must have chosen to relax in the privacy of his office-bedroom instead.

Alone together, George and Dream gradually drifted closer to each other until George stood from his armchair to join Dream on the couch. They sat side-by-side for a while even as the night became later. Sapnap is Dream's best friend, yet he hopes their housemate will not return to the main living area for the rest of the night. His return would break the trance which cradles Dream and George now. George might feel embarrassed if anyone witnessed his and Dream's entangled bodies. If Sapnap teased him, he might not dare to accept affection like this again.

Above the main living area, the ceiling lights are motion-activated. After several minutes without detecting movement, the lights turn off automatically with a quiet click.

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