Wouldn't You Like to Know, Angel Boys? // DTK + Punz & Sylvee

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| platonic |

[1599 words]

**content warning: sexual humor**


Every angel's nervous habits emerge as they wait impatiently for the graduation ceremony to begin. George runs fingers through his feathery hair, Sapnap taps the floor with his feet, Karl plays with his jacket's zipper, Sylvee cracks her knuckles, and Dream wrings his fingers.

Today the five friends will learn their lives' purposes from the Assignment Machine, then they will fly down to the human world. Undetected, they will devote themselves to assisting the humans with... whatever their assignment requires.

During his eight years at the Angelic Academy, Dream studied the Assignment Machine and its mysterious operations with immense curiosity. He read every book in the library about the 68 possible assignments that angels can receive, and he memorized their strengths and weaknesses. Other students called Dream a nerd, but he is proud of his accomplishment.

Together Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, and Sylvee wait impatiently as the Assignment Machine powers to life upon the graduation stage. The angels' magical hearts pound within their chests as the ceremony's host approaches a podium.

At his graduation several years ago, the ceremony's host Punz received the only assignment from the machine that requires him to work with other angels, not humans: he is an Angel of Guidance.

"Welcome, Sylvee, Karl, Sapnap, George, and Dream." Punz addresses each angel with a polite nod. Sitting in front of the stage, the angels lift their chins as they acknowledge their names. "All five of you have completed your studies and aced your tests. You all should congratulate yourselves for reaching this point." Clearing his throat, the Angel of Guidance recites the ceremonial words, "One by one, every angel will accept their life's purpose from the Assignment Machine. You will receive an assignment - 1 out of 68 - and wield it to the best of your ability." Motioning to Sylvee, who sits at the far end of the row of students, Punz commands, "Sylvee, you will receive your assignment first."

Inhaling a deep breath, Sylvee stands from her seat and approaches the stage. Flapping her yellow-tipped wings, she leaps onto the flat surface and approaches the Assignment Machine.

When Sylvee walks through the Machine's shiny metallic doors, she tucks her fluffy wings close to herself, turns around to face the other angels, and closes her eyes. The Machine's doors slide shut with a click. When they reopen, Sylvee steps out with a piece of paper in her hands.

Punz steps aside so Sylvee can approach the podium. Glancing up at her friends, Sylvee leans toward the microphone and reads the back of her paper.

"Assignment 41." While Sylvee flips over the paper to read its front, Dream recalls the assignment from memory. "Angel of Wisdom."

Sylvee's eyes glow with pride as she folds the paper and stuffs it into one pocket. Her wings tremble slightly with jubilation as she returns to her seat.

The Assignment Machine is never wrong, Dream remembers while he and the others lift their hands for a quiet applause. Sylvee might be mischievous sometimes, but no one can doubt her sharp intelligence and quick wits. As an Angel of Wisdom, she will guide indecisive humans to make strategic decisions.

"Karl," Punz announces. He beckons the next angel. "Your turn."

Karl repeats Sylvee's process. He flaps his wings to launch himself onto the stage, he enters the Assignment Machine, and then he emerges with a piece of paper. Into the microphone, Karl reads, "Assignment 7: Angel of Memory."

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