Footsteps // DreamNap

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| platonic |

[1622 words]

**Because it is now October, the spooky season, this is a horror story! Content warning: home invasion**


Dream's daily shifts at the pharmacy last from 1:30pm to 10:00pm, so he never returns from work before nightfall. A long day of organizing prescriptions and assisting customers has drained his energy, so his head feels fuzzy as he drives. Beneath dark skies and glowing street lamps, he travels along empty roads back to his apartment complex. Exhausted, he fantasizes about taking a hot shower and sleeping under soft blankets as soon as he arrives.

Dream's roommate Sapnap is usually awake until midnight. Throughout their time of living together, they have maintained an agreement: no parties after nightfall. If one of them brings a guest, they must warn the other roommate at least one day in advance.

When Dream arrives at the apartment complex at 10:41pm, he parks his car in its assigned spot, directly beside Sapnap's car. With a heavy sigh, he gathers his bag, turns off the engine, and crosses the parking lot. Ahead is a sad-looking cluster of buildings with grimy staircases, flickering hallway lights, and a lot of moths. Tendrils of ivy crawl up every wall, practically swallowing the buildings.

Climbing the staircase to the sixth floor, Dream thinks about how much he would love to fall asleep right now. His footsteps echo along the dimly-lit hallways while he inhales thick, musty air. Someday we'll move out of this place.

As this thought enters Dream's thoughts, he reaches his apartment unit 666. Distracted, he rummages through his pockets for his keys... until he realizes that he will not need them.

The lock is broken, and the door is slightly open.

Dream grunts to himself with irritation. His roommate must have locked himself out while he was at work. Sapnap is a proud man who does not enjoy asking for help, so he must have broken into his own apartment unit. I guess we'll just fix the lock tomorrow morning, Dream decides, too tired to deal with this problem now. He turns the door knob and steps inside.

When Dream enters, the unit's air is stuffy. Silence and darkness surround him; the only light emanates from under the closed door to his shared bedroom with Sapnap. Relying on his memory, Dream reaches sideways with one hand, feeling the wall as he searches for the lightswitch. Once he finds it, he flicks one switch and squints as a single overhead light illuminates the kitchen beside him.

Closing the front door behind himself, Dream dumps his keys, lanyard, and smartphone onto the kitchen countertop. He removes his shoes, he washes his hands in the kitchen sink, and he dries them with a towel that hangs from the oven rack. Next he carries his bag into the main living area, intending to toss it onto the couch... until he sees something unusual.

Pausing, Dream stares into the darkness.

Something - or rather, someone - is already on the couch. A stranger - an older man - lays on his back. He wears a gray uniform and a cap; he looks like a maintenance man. A thin blanket drapes over his figure, hiding most of his body except for his head and shoulders. The man does not move, but his eyes focus directly on Dream.

I didn't even notice him when I walked in! The stranger's presence spooks the resident until Dream realizes that this man must be one of Sapnap's coworkers from the electrical station.

"Oh, hey," Dream greets politely, hiding his apprehension. He approaches the stranger to ask, "Are you one of Sapnap's coworkers?"

Still laying on the couch and looking up at him, the man nods without blinking.

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